
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, January 1, 2023

(D&D 5e) Emeline Lassu - Half-Elf Ranger - #CharacterCreationChallenge

I start the #CharacterCreationChallenge, and I'm indulging myself into a pet project which may never see the light of day any other way.

There's enough cool stuff art and cosplay-wise on social media (IG and Pinterest specifically) and some low-quality AI generated art I've played with, that I'm going to assemble a group of pre-gens for the Ghosts of Saltmarsh 5e campaign.   I'll try to cite the cosplayer or artist that I'm using for inspiration, as well as note the AI program (if the eight fingers on a hand, blurred faces or missing ears aren't immediate tells)

Emeline Lassu  -  1st Level Half-Elf Ranger
Age 24,  5'2" 
ST:  14 (+2)
DX: 16 (+3)
CN: 12 (+1)
IN:  12 (+1)
WS: 12 (+1)
CH: 15 (+2)
Hit Points: 11
Armor Class 14 (Leather+Dex)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30

Skills:  Athletics (+2), Insight (+1), Investigation (+1), Nature (+1), Perception (+1), Stealth (+3), Survival (+1)

Languages: Read/Write Trade Prythax (Common)

Speak: Trade Prythax, Elvish, Keltic, Lizardman.

Equipment: 2 Shortswords, leather armor, explorer's pack, longbow w/ 20 arrows.

Favored Creature: Gnolls, Lizardmen
Emeline has been a refugee her entire life.   Her earliest memories were being secreted on a Wyrmnalian Longship for a better life in Albion.  In Albion, her family were never allowed in the towns, so they set-up their communities in the neighboring forests.  Many times they were forced to move, for reasons, Emeline never truly grasped, but it was always sudden, and many times violent.  After years in the gnoll-infested northlands, the entire group partook in a long treacherous march to the southern lands, and again, Emeline found herself on another ship.    The land was warmer, the forests thinner, and still, her people were not welcome.  They have travelled quite a distance down the coast of this land, finally settling on the edge of a swamp in a village they called Drukskog.  

For years Emeline was trained to be a protector of the village, a hunter, a scavenger, if need be.  

Last year, lizardmen attacked your village, and you escaped, became lost, and ended up in Saltmarsh.  After years of staying away from townsfolk, you were shocked how chaotic they were, but you quickly realized none of them truly cared if you were there, so long as you had gold to pay for things, or skills to earn that coin.

Enamored by the fancier living, you sold off your family's set of scale mail, discovered a suit of less clanky leather armor improved your skill immensely, discovered that finer clothes have changed the few scowls to inquisitive glances.  Emeline has happily joined any group wanting to bash the scaly murderers in the swamp, but is now open to different opportunities, maybe involving a less terrifying trip on a ship.
Personality Traits:  Always picking things up and fiddling with them, even accidently breaking them from time to time.

Ideals:  "Bully the bullies!"  "Might makes right."

Bonds:  Injury to the wild is injury to me.

Flaws: Violence is the first answer.

It appears I found this picture from Pinterest.  It looks like a shot for a Princess Velvet cape from Armstreet

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