
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, January 9, 2023

(Gamma World) Cuddles - Mutant Bear Enforcer - #CharacterCreationChallenge

Day 9 of #CharacterCreationChallenge and I attempt to stat out another miniature.  Using Gamma World 4th Edition again, although based on his equipment, I needed to make him a few levels higher to justify it.

Killer Teddy Bear from the Macho Women with Guns Line

Cuddles - Mutated Miniature Bear - 4th Level Enforcer
PS:   13  (+1)
DX: 13  (+1)
CN:  15 (+2)
MS:  14 (+1)
IN:    13 (+1)
CH:  11  (0)
SN:   8   (0)
Armor Class:  11  (Forcefield 25 pts)
Hit Points:  60
THAC Melee: +5
THAC Range: +5
Robot Recognition: 14
Character Skills: Combat Leadership 4, Makeshift Weapon 4, Size-Up Opponent 4

Mutations: Use Tools (N/A), Heightened Smell (N/A), Size Change - Smaller (N/A)z, Intuition (16), Telekinetic Flight (11), Total Healing (12)

Weapons:   Laser Pistol (Tech V) 3d6 Damage, + 3 THAC, 8 Shots

Claw/Claw/Bite (d4/d4/d3 damage)

Artifacts: Drop Belt, Force Field Generator (Tech V)

When most people hear of a mutated bear has come to town, or joined their group, fear of the behemoth rampaging intentionally or accidentally is everyone's first worry. When all three feet of Cuddles arrives, the fear turns to subtle laughter, growing to outright mockery.  Cuddles is very quick to put those people in their place, and it's rarely an issue again. 

Cuddles is a miniaturized brown bear.  While he can use human tools and weapons, he is unable to produce human speech, which makes most people think he is some sort of adorable teddy bear, until he snarls at them with the same anger as his full-sized kin.

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