
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, January 6, 2023

(Hackmaster) Cyprion Broodbank - Favomancer - #CharacterCreationChallenge

Day 6 of the #CharacterCreationChallenge, and I believe I've hit the epitome of letting random AI dictate a character.  

For your entertainment, Cyprion Broodbank - Favomancer 

Cyprion Broodbank - 3rd Level Cleric (Diviner)
5'7"  210 lbs, 26 years old   Right handed
Family: ULC, Loving Mother, Indifferent Father
3rd of 6 children (Brother, Brother[rival], Cyrprion, Brother [identical twin], Sister [rival], Brother.)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Ability Scores:
Strength:        13/42  +1/+1
Dexterity:      14/63    -1
Constitution: 14/10
Intelligence:  15/28
Wisdom:       15/43
Charisma:     13/45
Comeliness:  14/23
Honor            30  (d6)
Hit Points:    16 
Armor Class:  4 (Chain Mail+Dex, Full Helm)

Quirks/Flaws: Low Threshold of Pain, Excessive Drooling, Tone Deaf, No Depth Perception, Glutton

Talent: Sixth Sense

Weapon Proficiency:  Flail, Mace

Agriculture                         22
Culinary Arts                      44    
Divine Lore                        31
Feign Toughness                 53
First Aid Skill Suite            22
Plant ID (Holistic)              27
Religion: General               92
Religion: Akana                  32
Read/Write Trade Prythax  20
Reading Lips                      31
Threat Gesture                    39
Armor Maintenance 
Weapons Maintenance
Dig Hasty Grave

Spells: 5 1st Level/Day

Equipment: Chain Mail. Full Face Helm, Flail, Small Shield.

Generated by DeepAI
When you're the middle child of a tradesman, you either learn the family, or you seek out a different path with the military or the church.  Cyprion was clumsy enough in a number of work accidents that his parents actively sought out any religious training they could.    Unfortunately, their meager earnings, large family, and no connections meant their son would only stay at the local church with a small library, and a smaller-minded clergy, and a host of ethnic and cultural traditions the regular faith did not practice.  

In time Cyprion embraced the church and became an acolyte and embraced two things:  Theology and Divination Magic through Favomancy, the ancient art of interpreting the lay of the local white beans.  

As word of his talents finally left the village, he was invited to the larger towns to study at the larger church libraries, and during his off-time, cast the bean-fueled lots for the locals.  His general knowledge surpassed that of his superiors, but his backwater techniques held him from being given his own church.  

In time, he's become a roving administrator of the faith, reviewing the local temples and investigating any wrongdoing.  He had relied on the charity of the churches and their administrators, but after being robbed numerous times, he's assumed an inquisitorial demeanor.  Known to wander the streets in his armor and full helm, he will now arrive in town unannounced, and demand the hospitality of innkeeper and the congregation at large, usually under the threat that his favomancy will otherwise curse them  otherwise.  Not that he usually doesn't pay for the services, it simply adds to his legend.

Cyprion was my first full dive into AI.

Favomancy was a topic on Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff, and when you throw in the use of AI Art, I figured this would be a great experiment, even if I wasn't doing the challenge.  

Divination magic seems to be relegated to the splat books I don't own, regardless of system, so I needed a different schtick beyond a random backwater local chucking beans. 

Of course, I also used a random AI story program with the same basic input I used for the pictures:  "Brooding favomancer entering an inn, with a fireplace."  Here's the result:

brooding favomancer entering a inn, with a fireplace, iketah and no food and, with a bottle, two people, a boy and a girl, and a donkey, both of whom had their faces painted all in purple and their mouths covered with silver, but they only had one shoe.

So he ate all alone, but, in the meantime, he had a dog, a camel, a donkey, a donkey's tail, donkey-hair, pig nose, and a donkey cap. In the middle of this he set all away with such girth as was impossible, and when the man had gotten his hand up the top and was now to look at him, he put up his hand and threw his foot on it saying: "Take me to thy father's house and to the house of thy wife. I shall have no more to do with thee except thy wife or else, and have you no other right to your father's house.

"When she came to the house, I led her in, and my hands were on her back and she came back and told me that, her hand was on my back and was not going back. Then I let her go and that was it. I told my daughters not to go out from her, for she said nothing until after their father had let her go. Then they came with a messenger and called. I told them it was the old woman's hand that had thrown off the garment of

I'm not exactly sure what Cyprion was doing with that dude's wife.  The mixture of incoherent rambling and the sketchiness of the situation led me to the backstory of him demanding accommodations on his travels, perhaps a more cleaned-up Lawful Neutral interpretation of church law.

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