
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Mandatory Basketball Rant - Winter 2022-23 - Week 7

 Blink and you'll miss it.  Almost all scholastic-esque games will be over for the girls by February 11th.   Still a few tournaments outside of things. 

Maja:  A tale of three extremes this week.  Maja scored nothing in a big game against Dallas that ended up being closer that sources indicated. However, she piled on the other stats, including THREE blocks!  In the Wednesday game, she was a statistical force in their game at Wilkes-Barre Area.  Six points, six boards, but soft on everything.  Then in the final game game of the week at Wyoming Valley West, her statline disappeared:  One assist, one steal. Yet she played 20+ minutes out of 28 in what turned into a 30-point win.  

Probably because she kept doing stuff like this.  

There are three more dynamic players in the starting five, but her defense can neutralize two players at times, allowing for the others to take the glory.  

When our friend sent over the video of her taking the charge, I was just as proud as when I was there, but the two girls jumping up from in front of the scorer's table and going crazy.  Between Varsity, JV, Freshmen, Junior High, heck even grade school, I'm not seeing that level of energy most of the time.   More on that later.

Millie:  Two games and a scrimmage this week.   The scrimmage was against the local Catholic school, and for some reason, she tore them a new one.  I wasn't there, but multiple reports say they beat the team by 20+, with Millie putting in 28 points.  

She hasn't 28 points all season, but something about that scrimmage just made her go off.   

It continued with her Wolfpack game on Saturday morning, where she actively drove against bigger girls and score repeatedly, even before the outcome of the game wasn't decided.  

Wolfpack didn't have a game at Kingston Rec on Sunday, but her regular Mountain Top did, against one of the new teams they previously beat 41-3.  Good news for everyone:  the new team got better, we only beat them 35-5 this time.  Up until a rash a drives at the end of the game, Millie was the only player shooting above 50% (including their centers), hit a deep three, followed by a half-court shot at the end of the half that rimmed out.  With a little extra rest and her teammates finally hitting shots, she almost smiled after the game.

Local Rec League:  Why did I come back?  I discovered last week that no one provide foul sheets to any divisions this year, so I ran around and distributed them to competing choruses of "Thank God" and "Why start now?"  The "Why start now?" people seemed to be the folks who complained the most of the playoff schedule, as I believe excessive concessions were made to coaches regarding schedules.  I'm now secretly rooting against kids just to get them out of the playoffs and multiple complaints,  when nine other teams are willing to adapt and overcome any issue.  

One positive was finally getting to watch the 3/4 Girls Division.  Lots of competitive, confident girls in what I swear is the toughest, roughest division.  I did have visions of setting up at least a 5th grade travel team for next year, but after dealing with nay-saying board members, I'm not as enthused anymore.

7th/8th Grade:  The 8th graders go shellacked by Dallas again, but the 7th graders had an epic game against their Dallas counterparts.  

After giving up a second half  lead, they traded points back-and forth in the final minutes.  With 15 seconds left, one of the bench players stole the ball at mid-court passed it to the star center, who raced down and put up a lay-up.

That had too much power.  The ball bounced off the glass and onto the other side of the basket, into the waiting hands of that same bench player, who had hustled down behind the center.  She grabbed the rebound and gently put in the basket which 4.8 seconds.... not enough time for Dallas to try to score.  

If I focus on the Freshmen's enthusiasm and how important it is, the 7th graders showed theirs's for the first time in those final two exciting minutes.  With two new heroes in the last two weeks, here's hoping it motivates the rest of the crew in their final two or three games of the season.

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