
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, January 28, 2023

(Planet 28) Ignate Perditius, Lost Space Marine

I've been doing enough of these various monthly challenges over the years to know two little secrets:  (1) Prep work is almost always required (and usually openly permitted) to complete 30+ entries and (2) Most people cheat.  

Below is Ignate Perditius, a Space Marine I painted up and statted out from way back in April.  

Short story, good ol' Ignate Perditius was a newb when his unit of Space Marines got sucked into a vortex of some sort and got deposited on Ruie, a backwater planet with some industrialization but no way off.  To complicate things, numerous other military factions, some from what appeared to be completely different universes.

Ignate's unit managed to carve out a decent corner of the local, but heavy losses continued to shrink their gains, until it was only him a few remaining members of the cohort.  From there, he disbanded the unit and struck out on his home.  

It's unknown what chapter Ignate was originally with, and the few people who would have such knowledge either don't remember or don't care to remember.  Other Space Marine of various chapters have appeared and moved on, sometimes joining forces in the interim.  Almost all followed the same path when it came to equipment maintenance. 

As equipment and armor wore out, the Space Marines used whatever materials and paint that they could scrounge.  A stockpile of of primer gray and what was labelled "DOT Orange" were enough to give many fresh coats.  Many wandering the world are entirely the two colors, while the others are simply painting over the worn out pieces of armor first, and updating further as time passed.

The original post from 4/1/2022

While, much of the armor has been scrounged up to make repairs, Ignate's chest plate is still original, so much so that the Imperial Aquila has largely been worn down.   He doesn't really remember what that symbol stood for, just that it used to be important to him... in a past life. 

For Ignate, years on planet have left him with with a bolt pistol and a civilian grade chainsword to deal with the foes, civilians, and bests he's encountered on planet.

Ignate Perditius - Lost Space Mariner   257 points
Shooting -  5   Fighting - 7   Agility - 7 Hit Points - 20   Speed - 10cm
Traits: Shore Footed, Unshakable
Equipment:  Bolt Pistol (1d10+2 damage, range 25), Chainsword (2d6+6) , Heavy Armor (1d12+6, -1 Agility already calculated)

I haven't gotten my copy of Planet 28, 2nd Edition yet, but I'm hoping for a revision on Heavy Armor, or at least a bigger grade of armors.   As effectively a Space Marine scout, Ignate is nigh impenetrable from conventional attacks.  Other armor options seem incredibly weak (and fit other minis I own better), so it begs the question, "If the scout wears heavy armor, what the heck does a Terminator wear?  Or does he use vehicle rules?"

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