
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, January 13, 2023

(Star Wars d6) Ralbiz Khaga - Kubaz Bounty Hunter - #CharacterCreationChallenge

Day 13 of the #CharacterCreationChallenge and I'm finally delving into the game that has kept me occupied for nearly the last four years, Star Wars d6 (West End Games).    When I put the game on hiatus to transition to our Gamma World campaign, I created a minor time jump (six months? a year? No one is really sure, least of all, the GM, me!) and folks have returned, while others are missing.  

A perfect time to add a new NPC, a stock bounty hunter, and base him off something I've painted.  Questionable morals to be added later.

Bounty Hunter by Battle Valor Games Check out Battle Valor at their eBay Store.

Ralbiz Khaga, Kubaz Bounty Hunter 
Dexterity:   3D+2
    Blaster:  5D
    Dodge:   4D+2
Knowledge:  2D+2
    Law Enforcement: 3D
    Streetwise: 3D
Mechanical:  2D+2
Perception:  4D
    Hide:  5D
    Sneak: 5D
Strength:  3D
    Climbing/Jumping: 3D+1    
Technical:  2D
    Security: 3D

Equipment:  Mer-Sonn IQA-11 Blaster Rifle (5D),  Holdout Blaster, Thermal Detonator, 2 knives, protective vest (+2 energy, +1d6 physical), two medpacks.

Ralbiz will be either be in pursuit of some of the questionable crew members of the Pretio, or he'll be one of the guards keeping the crew's employer, Ne'vets Aharo, safe and secure... exactly what he does NOT want!

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