
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, March 16, 2023

(Georic Gazetteer) Palle-Galmar circa 1150

The Palle-Galmar
Pantheon: Elemental
Ruler:  Khan Cepas Khurgan
Capital:  Tarnbuk
Other Cities: Tynka, Neptorpa Nepom
Language:  Galmar
Flag/Emblem:  Three yellow lightning bolts on a black field
Coinage:  Largely barter, coins of all nations usually accepted at half-value.
Important Personas: Numerous sub-khans, tribal leaders, shamans.
Alliances:  Trade arrangements with Khurin-Azur and Ilvablight  
Hostilities:  Surprisingly none.
Open Warfare/Skirmishing: Border clashes with Regan and Nevskia
Intrigues: Rumors of an attack on Nevskia, The Yenoot Bool recruiting membes from all of the tribes. Rumblings from the Northern Shadow Kingdom of Denagoth.
Demi-Humans: Mounted tribes of Hobgoblins are accepted as near-equals.
Magickal Devices: Rods of Command and Obedience, The Horned Helms of Toszar Khan.
Mountains:  Xot Mountains separate Talaishia and Azir Proper
Thumbnail Sketch:
For the layperson living in Talaishia, the word Galmar elicits sheer terror for most, hatred from others, and trepidatious curiosity from a brave few.  For centuries, the fear of the Galmar barbarian hordes flooding into civilized lands from the east, razing most semblance of law and order from the history books is all a regular person knows.  

As the purveyor of such a text as this may need to understand is that Galmar in general is a vast territory one thousand leagues east-to-west and two hundred leagues north-south.  The area contains dozens of tribes of varying cultures and traditions.  

The northwestern swath of Galmar territory, bordering Talmark, Regan, Nevskia, and the Weissmach is referred to in scholarly circles as Palle-Galmar.  It's inhabitants are still the renowned horsemanship and violent behavior, but also match the skin tones of their western neighbors, pale shades with a propensity for facial hair.  

One must also remember, that the barbarians who despoiled civilization are the same ones who have established the status quo.  Not only do descendants of the "Barbarian Pretenders" still rule Ras-Prythax to this (Adalbert II is a 15th such ruler since 846), but the western provinces forming into the Kingdom of Crosedes was all the result the that same incursion slaying the ruling classes.  These tribes also have steady relationships with the Dwarven Citadel of Khurin-Azur and the desolate Elivish Ice City of Ilvablight.  

Compared to the far more exotic, dark and yellow-toned Onto-Galmar, who are to the south, Palle-Galmar are lighter skinned, with some Eastern influence.  The many incursions into Talaishia have adjusted their breeding, and it's not as unusual to see blonde hair or full beards among their people.  

While their Onto-Galmar brethren are still known for warmongering ways, the Palle-Galmar have realized that secure trading partners have allowed them to maintain their nomadic traditions while enriching the sub-Khans families.  Allowing safe passage for Wyrmnalian and Kulervo merchants to the Gnome Titan outposts in the south, the reap profits along the Mer Kasp, has allowed for more riches than simple raids could provide.   Finding common trade agreements with the normally isolationist dwarves and elves in the region has also resulted in certain units obtaining extremely light metal armors and superior arrows. 

The greatest threat to Cepas Khan's rule is a growing group known as the Yenoot Bool.  This group was originally independent horsemen at best, surly brigands at worse, who recruit from all tribes, including some females and other races.

Government: The position of Khan is determined by both political strength of the respective tribal leaders, militaristic strength, and actual strength in physical combat.  Once the tests have whittled down to three or four candidates, and the other lesser khans elect the one true Khan, who rules absolutely.  This process has rarely worked as described, and constant politicking and back-yurt maneuverings are quite common. Khan Cepas has done well distracting the lesser Khans with trade wealth, and a desire for a more sedentary lifestyle.  

Dominant Tribes of Palle-Galmar

  • Kaerutsi
  • Boyasi
  • Kiyatsi
  • Murkitsi
  • Tajitsi
  • Yogtisi
  • Tubaksi

Economy: Barter system with coin uses with a deflated value.  Agriculture produces, barley, rye, and oats, while livestock raised are horses, sheep, yaks, with local enclaves of various poultry.  The few mines not under the influence of Khurin-Azur yield iron, coal, and some low-yield gemstones.  Growing industries with the expanded trade with north, south, and west are timber and furs, although getting the resources to mark still remains troublesome.

Religion:  Galmar Elemental Cults, (mostly earth-based) with Parthia and Chi'in influences.  Elvish and Dwarvish faiths are accepted, but Ferasean mythos are barely tolerated.  

A statue of Galmar himself, head elemental diety, carved in opaque Rose Quartz.

Places of Note:

  • Tarnbuk, the established capital, is little more than a few stone governmental buildings, some wooden structures for the merchants and permanent residents, and during the winter season, tents and yurts as far as the eye can see. 
  • The Valley of Death - Deep within the eastern territory, there are a number of fog-shrouded valleys that are simply overflowing with undead.  It's unknown as to how the undead were created, and there appears to be no lich-lord or necromancer controlling even a small cohort of them.  It is advise the only the bravest, the most able, and the most foolish attempt to investigate further. 

Mentions of Palle-Galmar in the Blog:

GM Notes: Galmar, the elemental god, was first conceived alongside Farmesk, God of War, using M.U.S.C.L.E. figures (see statue above).  I figured the elemental cults fit the theme of the barbarian hordes plundering the continent, and things have stuck that way.  

The one thing that has change over the recent years is more cultural separation by the regions of Galmar territory.  Palle are Northern and Northwest barbarians.  Onto-Galmar will control the south west areas, and the Mohro-Galmar control most of the territory directly north of Chi'in.  I still don't have any idea who controls the land even further east, but that is not Riknil Kannex's concern at the time of this writing.

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