
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, February 6, 2023

(Kickstarter) One Dollar One Shot - The Salmon of Knowledge

 It's not under the Zinequest moniker, but the aptly named One Dollar One Shots has launched a flash Kickstarter for the aptly named One Dollar One Shots - The Salmon of Knowledge.

My demographic is wacky titles and low entry points, and with my odd predilection to go against the grain and actually invest in D&D 5e now, this is a no-brainer.

Fun fact, as I wrote this up this morning with only five days to go, they had met their goal, and already had $5,638 with 1,082 backers (probably more if you check it out now).  Why so much when there's only one pledge level of $1 ?   They are offering their catalog of previous pdfs, although oddly enough the previous dollar Kickstarters look to be $3 now.  Hey, that's what getting in at the ground level is all about, saving a buck or two, but I did pledge for The Curse of King Culainn and the Case of Norntolk as well. 

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