
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, February 24, 2023

(Painting) Chaos Space Gnome Numero Uno by Macrocosm Miniatures

It's a long time coming, but something finally got off the new painting bench. 

This is one of the Chaos Space Dwarfs from the Chaos Space Dwarf 2 Kickstarter.  The rest are coming slowly but surely, but I also needed a new x-acto handle to take care of the excessive resin flash in every nook and cranny of these figures.

Painted with Huge Minis Yellow, using Huge Minis Urban Medium Grit and flowers and tufts

Chaos Space Gnome versus Gnomish Space Marine (Battle Valor)

I've got a rough progression for the Planet 28 learning, and yes, the Chaos Gnomes will eventually make a devastating appearance.

On the Painting Queue:  More Chaos Space Dwarfs, Blue Martians, Cultists and Zombies, oh my!  Once I get warmed up with those, I'll move over the Pulp Season 4 work.  No ETA on anything.

Project 350:  A little bump up to 472 (311/161) from 471 (315/156).   Gamma World Actual Plays are almost caught up, and I'm working on three separate articles for March from the vault o' blog draft ideas.

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