
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, February 10, 2023

(Planet 28) Twin Shots

No one came to the Death Planet willingly, many races, creatures, monsters, and cosmic entities were randomly teleported here each year, wreaking havoc on whatever settlements were eeking out a meager existence. 

But you COULD get to the planet... for the right price.

Blue Martians Jules and Vincent, former goons of some space gangsters, stole something from their employer and were on the run.  It only made sense to their feeble brain to sell off the item for a pittance of it's worth and hire someone to run them to the Death Planet.

Blue Martians can be a very intelligent race.  Jules and Vincent were not those types of Martians.

They had lost their equipment, their provisions, and even their weapons, a certain death sentence where they were.  But fate smiled down from the spiraling acid-rain-filled clouds: One of the many bounty hunters hired to hunt the duo down, a certain Bernard Andrylx lay face down in the bog, a victim of any one of the planet's residents.  

Vincent and Jules searched the body.  a handful of rations hadn't completely spoiled and were a veritable feast for them after days on the run.  But peeking out of the still water beside the body was a Bernard's backpack.  Not more rations, but two large pistols were packed atop a pile of ammo clips.  

"It's our lucky day, pal," Jules said with glee.  "We might have enough firepower to make it out of this swamp.  Here, take the smaller one.  I know how you lose the more powerful weapons."

"You leave a heavy stubber outside a latrine one time and you get killed by some crazed space gladiator, and no one lets you live it down.  That was two clones ago!"

"No matter what, our path of righteousness is emptied a bit of the tyranny of evil bounty hunters."  

Beyond the copse of dead birch trees that hid Bernard's body, a number of shambling shapes appeared through the fog. 

"Yep," Vincent replied, checking his ammo, "and replaced with zombies..."

(Jules and Vincent)
Jules and Vincent - Blue Martians on the run
Obejective: Survive

Agility:5   Shooting:5   Fighting: 4
Speed 10,  Hit Points 20
Traits: Gunslinger (may use shoot actions in melee)
Equipment: Hvy Pistol (1d10+2 damage), Fists (1d4-1), No Armor (1d4-1)

Agility 6, Shooting 6, Fighting 3
Speed 10, Hit Points: 20
Traits: Gunslinger (may use shoot actions in melee)
Equipment:  Pistol (1d8 damage), Fists (1d4-1), No Armor (1d4-1)

Special Rules:  Ammo Loader:  If one of them roll a 1 or 10 on a shooting action, normal result apply, but the energy clip is now exhausted.  Normal Reload rules apply.  However, Jules is carrying the backpack.    Vincent must in base-to-base contact with him in order to use an action to reload. 

The Shambling Mob
Whatever was coming at them was moving slowly, methodically, but also keeping space between them.  Jules ordered vincent to fall back through the marshy area surrounding the dead birch trees.  

Once they found a position, they waited until the creatures were within range, and opened fire.

All four shots missed.  

With the sounds and sights of the blasts, the creatures they mistook for zombies starting running.  

Slavering Mutants
Objective: Kill the Blue Martians
Agility 4,  Shooting 2:  Fighting: 4
Speed: 10   Hit Points: 5
Traits: Unbreakable, Berserker
Equipment:  Claws  (1d6) Foul Hide (1d4+1)

Most of the creatures slowed down at the water hazard, but one got through and lunged and Vincent for significant damage.  Vincent unloaded a point-blank barrage into melee that had no effect, followed by a double *click* of the weapon being empty.   Fearing the worst, Vincent stumbled back.  The mutant persued for a moment before its head disappeared into the marsh, compliments of Jules. 
The duo held their ground and prepared for the worse..  Only one stumbled out of the water to engage Vincent.  The blow was glancing, and Vincent managed to reload and get a barrage of shots off, knocking the mutant out of combat, before running out of ammo, again!

"Stop wasting shots!"  Jules yelled, having his own problems.  

A few more ineffectual shots a claws were traded, before the pair finally go the best of  the mutants.  
"Deez were very weak."  Vincent sighed in disbelief.  

"Yea, knowin' our luck, the shots called every monster, raider, and mutant within 5 clicks of this spot," Jules worried... 

The advantage of bachelor living is playing quick solo games to fill the time or work on a particular system.  Sample scenarios, fiction, and character for Alternative Armies (Flintloque, Panzerfaust, Slaughterloo, etc) have offered as a sort of advent calendar to fans through Orcs in the Webbe.  The scenario Twin Shotte was meant for Napoleonic elves and zombies of the Dark Czar, but it seems like a nice, basic mini-game to try out different, traits, abilities, and even arcana for Planet 28.   When I'm not too inspired to play anything, I think I can break out the 2'x2' play area for this scenario, change a few variables, and continue to expand my knowledge base of the game system.  

And this isn't the first Orcs in the Webbe scenario I've used.  And it will certainly not be the last.  Check out Easter this year with Gnome Wars, it should be a blast.

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