
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

(Star Wars d6) #78 - Delivering the Boy

 The Crew of the Pretio in This Week's Episode 

Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.
Sid - A peculiar woman who has shown to be a good pilot, and even better shot, than the previous pilot.  Possible Imperial ties.
Latorna Savvn - Rebellion pilot and saboteur, trying to lay low from the Empire after a series and destructive attacks.
Evus - Twi'lek male, former slave, then former associate of Ne'vets, currently working for Crom-Crom the Gungan on Naboo, but caught back up in the nonsense of the Pretio

Over the Occupancy Limit
Using diplomacy and bureaucratic flexibility, 
Rather than blaster fire and explosions, 
The crew of the Pretio not only secured the
release of the Sergei Oberlates, son of 
Prominent Imperial oligarch, but also the 
Release of every Imperial citizen 
Locked away at the same prison. 

With the mission a success, it was 
Time to delivery the "package".... and a 
Few extra parcels at the same time....

The Pretio lifted off from the planet Ruie with twenty-few new passengers, only one of which had been expected.  A despondent Sergei Oberlates stared out a window down at the prison, until it blended into the countryside around it.

Ne'vets was a bit perturbed at Duk'k's insistence to take the other prisoners back to civilization.  Duk'k insisted that the other released prisoners would be locked in the cargo hold that did NOT hold weapons and grenades until Dr P3PP3R could perform medial checks on them.  

Realizing the impact of the commercial contract that they secured for the Lisani Corporation, Ne'vets wondered aloud, "This couldn't be the only prison in that country that held Imperial citizens, what about those?"

Duk'k reassured him, "I'm conveniently charitable, not a full-fledged bleeding heart, plus I'm still reviewing their identities to see if there's any valuable bounties on them, and also to make sure none are serial killers."

Quickly relieved, Ne'vets turned to other topics, "Seriously, where does Latorna want to be dropped off."

Overhearing the conversation, the rebel popped her head around the corner, "Nah, I think I want to stick around for a bit."

"Can you wear a wig at least, the news is still hot from what you did to that shipyard."

"Allegedly...  Anyway, hey, if you want, I can take that Something Awesome and go on a search where you left my brother... TO DIE!!!"

Duk'k reassured Latorna that the Black Sun crew wasn't holding Tarrie prisoner, and honestly didn't know where he went. Going back to Naboo would only create more trouble.

Ne'vets was more direct, "Don't you have any other friends we can drop you off to?"

"I don't like your tone, friend..."

"First time we see you in forever, you blow up a bank, next time, an Imperial shipyard. What's next, a planet?"

Evus chimed in, "She blew up much more of that Jawa Juice than the bank."

Latorna called their bluff, "Alright, tell me where you want me dropped off, if I'm not wanted."

Ne'vets quickly changed his tune, "Hey you're good with weapons, you're welcome to stay for awhile.  I just don't want you to endanger my crew."

"I've seen you guys operate, and you're in enough danger all by yourself.."

Sid interrupted.  "Mister Ne'vets?  Inbound message."

A live transmission from their benefactor Marc Oberlates had finally reached the Pretio.  After some pleasantries, Ne'vets had Evus fetch Sergei.  

"Dad, I don't want to go home.  I miss her already!"

"What the hell?  Mister Aharo, is he on drugs?"

Ne'vets deadpanned to the father "The prison did not provide drugs to its prisoners."

"That's pretty forward thinking for a backwater planet, but what is he talking about?"

"He may have found a love interest in prison.  She was not part of the others who were able to secure their release."

"Others?  I'm only paying you for my boy?"

"And I don't expect a single credit more.  We happened to be a bit more effective in our negotiations than even we expected."

"Fine, I'm currently located on Hosnian Prime.  It's a decent place for you deal with the others.  I'll forward you the information once you reach the sector."

Ne'vets realized the only thing worse than animals running rampant on the ship were two dozen extra humans.  Food and supplies all needed to be secured and Dr. P3PP3R was relegated to basic medical care, followed by constantly cleaning the refresher.  

Days later, the Pretio finally reached Hosnian Prime.  The planet was an urban world, with rings of thousands of small space stations and businesses orbiting it.  

Landing on the expected coordinates, the crew needed to encourage the released prisoners to disembark and fine the proper authorities.  

Ne'vets and Duk'k escorted Sergei into the Piscopo and drove off to the mansion of Marc Oberlates.

Pulling straight up to the front door, they rang the doorbell.  Servants invited them in and led to directly to his father.

A smile grew from the elder Oberlates and his arms became outstretched.

"My son, you're back"

Marc offered them both drinks, provided payment, and invited them all to dinner. 

Marc excused himself and his son, and left Ne'vets and Duk'k in a swanky lounge to wait for dinner. 

After an hour or so, where arguing could be heard through all corners of the mansion, Oberlates and his son came back to fetch them.  The crew followed him down the hallway.

"Sorry for the uproar, but the good news is we have your next mission ready, if you're interested."

"Next mission?" A curious Ne'vets asked.  "It's not another prison break, is it.  That's not really our normal speed."

"Oh, no, nothing like that," Marc insisted leading the group around a corner and into the dining hall. "But word of your exploits travel quickly, and there was a group that just demanded to have a moment or your time."

Ne'vets wasn't the only one with a sense of dread, expecting Black Sun, Pykes, or some random bounty hunters at the head of the table. 

Rather, a number of Imperial individuals emerged from the alcoves in the room.  Three were dressed in officer whites, while eight of their subordinates where in militia helmets and well-pressed commando gear.  No one had weapons drawn.

Okay, maybe they didn't have weapons draw, but with this group, things could escalate quickly.

Oberlates apologized, "I may have been overexcited when I mentioned my son's return to my friend.  Word got out and these fine bureaucrats demanded an audience."

Duk'k tilted his head.  "Did we do something wrong?"

The highest ranking Imperial spoke up, "On the contrary, we just want to discuss opportunities."

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