
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The 2023 RPG Dream List

 #ZineQuest2023 has died off, I don't see another #CharacterCreationChallenge, and I'm almost halfway through my October-September gaming year, so it's as good a time as any to reflect on what my dream list for 2023 looks like role-playing wise. 

Gamma World -  This is actually up and running, although the baby steps going through the first published module is pretty awkward. The actual plays won't post until October, but while listening to the playbacks to write them up, it's going to take a long time to get through that first adventure.  That's fine, but in my normal situation of overdoing it, I have a LOT of material to use before folks tire of mutant animals and gonzo adventures.  And since the group is actively meta-gaming with the maps, I've been forced to rename elements and keep them unsteady.

Planet 28 - This ties into me slowly getting back into painting, but working out the kinks of the 1st edition rules, before the 2nd edition finally gets across the pond is a springtime priority.  

Brutal Quest - Since Planet 28 is going smoothly, it's fantasy sibling deserves a good look-over. Plenty of fantasy figures already sitting in boxes, ready to go... even if they aren't British.

IOU a la Risus - With the Day of Sloth Picnic games a thing of the past, and other games taking up the "fill-in" spot, I may need to to prep some stuff out of the "Repository of the Strange and Unusual" and get the new guys ready to experience it.  Worst case, the final act of the Covid Trilogy might take place just off campus.

Pulp Alley/Savage Worlds -   The girls set up some completely random leagues to test out the rules.  The fourth season of the Pulp Game know has the same feel as Firefly revivals and cancelled shows moving over to PlutoTV, but I assure you, it's coming.  

Call of Cthulhu Invictus -  File this under "If we ever play face-to-face ever again."  A couple months of this (and no Sunday night basketball after this year) might allow the monthly get-togethers to resume.

Call of Cthulhu - Just a friendly placeholder that the original 1920's campaign didn't have a finale, just a fitting end to Masks of Nylarathotep.

Hackmaster  "Burning Trogs Redux" - Placeholder #2 for "getting the band back together." if we ever had four-hour online timeframes to work with. 

Basic D&D "Home" - Placeholder #3 for my Polynesian game, even if I stole some of the scenarios for other games.

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