
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Cold Wars 2023 Gnome-Related Action

As I wrote in my full Cold Wars AAR,  with the Western table, the gnomes took a bit of a backseat to the host of anthropomorphic cowboy minis available from a host of companies.  

Hog Hollow
With most games having each player running only 4-6 figures, the Gnome Wars rules were put aside for Fistful of Lead Western Rules.  Fistful does adhere to the Gnome Wars philosophy of "You should know most of the rules by the end of the third turn."

A lot of the game was searching houses for the missing payroll, an ill-timed encounter with killer cacti, and everyone fighting off the Sheriff. 
This member of the Hog Hollow Boys did not know how to load his weapon.  Every attack resulted in an out of ammo result, including after spending an entire turn reloading.  He was hiding and reloading, as his fellow gang members were getting gunned down.

The cavalry finally arrived after it was all too late, perhaps because they were missing a vital accessory that makes them cavalry.
We broke out more gnomes for the other games over the weekend.  My Imperial Republican Guard of California filled in nicely for Mexican Federales, and by request, the Mormons made another appearance. 

The true villains of games 2 and 3 were the Germans... something about going to the telegraphic office, and some person named Zimmerman.  They never got around to it, as the German officer angered the sheriff instantly, and he was force to steal a stage coach.

He left his men to fend off the infamous "Three Lone Rangers", but a row of Germans with aimed rifles are superior to gnomes that want to quick draw.

In the third game, the Mexican locals needed to evict the Germans, who had claimed their village as a fort.  

The final event for the table "Just Not the Slowest," was run using Gnome Wars and the full catalog of figures.

The town of Hogs Hollow wanted a military parade, and invited all nationalities to attend. 
Including a mistaken invitation to the Cult of Urinitas, and you know what those guys did to the fountain...
It's been awhile since a full-scale Znombie Incursion occurred, and without the help of the Jackalope herd, all may have been lost!

Znombies and Skeletons?  Come on!

The Skeleton Warriors of Hog Hollow assault the Sikh tank

The Scots escorting a tanker truck to the train station.  They claim that it was "milk" but I highly doubt it.

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