
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, March 24, 2023

(Painting) One Colorado Elf

Alright, it's a High Elf, but there's multiple meanings that fit for a High Elf. 

Here's my 45 minutes of zen at Hobby University at Cold Wars.  A little touch-up and basing later, and I have no idea what I'm going to do with them, although Brutal Quest is on the horizon for Q3 of my gaming year. 

I'll openly admit a roller coaster of highs and lows over the winter, culminating in a post-con funk last week.  Hopefully I'm pulling out of that, as Tuesday, I successfully had a half-day in the office and half-day at home, ran some errands at lunch/my commute, and ended the evening in a spot I haven't been a long time:  Painting at my bench while listening to a Georgetown University Wargaming Society webninar on Wargaming at West Point. Sure, immediately after the event I needed to run stuff to my daughter's basketball practice (She left under the seats while she was hanging out on Saturday), but it was a lovely and productive night.

Next: I am getting paint to figures, just not fast enough. Next week will be a veritable explosion of figures and terrain. to get me over my 2019 numbers and more than halfway to my 2020.   Blue Martians, and Chaos Space Gnomes and some impromptu scenery still clog up the table 

Project 350:  Down to 458 (300/158) from 463 (302/161)  Prepping for a few weeks of gaming extravaganzas for Easter and my birthday, so barring a sudden backlog in Gamma World Actual Plays, we can finally break 300 drafts and stay below it until the #RPGaDay list comes out in July.

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