
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, March 31, 2023

(Scenery/Terrain) Killer Cacti of Death Planet Iota

Sometimes you have a pile of projects a mile long, but when something quirky comes along and jumps to the front of the queue.  

After seeing Skinflint Games post about Alien Cactii reminiscent of an early 90s 40k table, and seeing some of the projects that are "almost done" on the table, it made sense to knock these out.  

I'd have them done sooner, but there apparently was a regional shortage of Styrofoam balls and toothpicks, so much that I couldn't make them an impulse buy at a hobby/craft shops on the way home from work, or even swinging by a shopping center after a tournament.   

After finally obtaining these silly things (and now having enough for an entire forest(?) if I dreamt of it) the only thing that slowed me down was layering.  Enough Citron Green to soak the balls, enough time to let the glue gun do its magic, and enough time for the Forest Green wash to soak into the nooks and crannies. 

But ViscountEric, it's Styrofoam.  Shouldn't it melt using spray sealant?

The multiple layers of paint protected the spheres, but where there was pitting is where I splashed the orange wash in the holes. 

Still, for a Planet 28 campaign that's on a multiversal nexus, where everything/one gets dumped and it's survival of the fittest, the cacti are a necessary edition.  How I actually use them is a different story.

Next Up:  Figures befitting Killer Cacti

Project 350: Big day, as we drop to 456 (298/158) from 458 (300/158).  A lot of the scheduled drafts are self-sustaining.  A post RPG Actual Play posts Tuesday, and more material needs to be written up from our Monday game.   And I'm sure I'll get some interesting posts for future Easters and April Fool's Days.  There is still a glut of material to do/play in my drafts, and since I should have the kids this weekend, I plan on visiting my mother for her birthday, and spending the rest of the time playing some games.  Some test Pulp Alley perhaps, maybe some Formula D/Ticket to Ride, and perhaps a delve into Gamma World?  

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