
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

(Star Wars d6) #81 - Freerago's Satellite Diner and Motel

The Crew of the Pretio in This Week's Episode 

Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.

Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.

Sid - A peculiar woman who has shown to be a good pilot, and even better shot, than the previous pilot.  Possible Imperial ties. 

Latorna Savvn - Rebellion pilot and saboteur, trying to lay low from the Empire after a series and destructive attacks.

Evus - Twi'lek male, former slave, then former associate of Ne'vets, currently working for Crom-Crom the Gungan on Naboo, but caught back up in the nonsense of the Pretio

Enjoying the Last Resort
Awaiting the completion of much-needed
Repairs on their ship, the Pretio,
Ne'vets Aharo and his crew have decided to enjoy 
The next five days at a generic resort 
on Hosnian Prime.

Will generic space swill and unlimited buffets
Be enough to keep the crew occupied,
Or will trouble find a way to them, after all...

Day Four on Hosnian Prime
The resort that Ne'vets had stashed the crew at while awaiting the Pretio repairs was just enough to keep the guys out of trouble and still have a good time.  

Duk'k spent most of his time floating in the resort's pool, pounding down drinks at the poolside bar, but he still took the time to transmit money back to his family.

Ne'vets alternated between getting some sun, and occasionally taking a dip in the pool, then grabbing a drink at the bar.   Sid followed him like a puppy. 

Latorna, still wearing her long blonde wig, found a one-piece bathing suit and proceeded to attract all the wrong (and married attention).  

Evus kept running for new drinks and towels for Latorna, possibly unaware of the extra attention she was receiving.

Day Five on Hosnian Prime
Another relaxing pool day was interrupted mid-day by a screeching alarm coming from Duk'k's pool chair.  Sid checked Duk'k's oversized bounty hunting guild communicator.

"Fy'zen Gor: Wanted for genocide, and numerous gang-related killings.  Last seen orbiting Hosnian Prime.  40,000 credits."

Duk'k got out of the pool, and began paging through the background information on the bounty.  It appeared the original bounty was established by Wandering Star, but additional portions were added on by a wide assortment of rival crime organizations.

Human woman pushing a laundry cart, was holding the same type of communicator. 

"Hey, you got one too?"
Sana Starros

Duk'k nodded, confused.

"Your ship still getting repaired?"

"Waitaminute, how did you know that?"

"I was talking to your boss," as she waved at Ne'vets laying in a tanning machine. "Your boss says just enough.  Figured you guys would be relaxing."

"I've got a location on that Pau'an... and a ship, but I don't have close to the firepower I'll need to take her out.  I'm willing to take a double share if you guys are willing to help."

"I'll check with my boss. What was your name that you didn't say before?"

"Sana... Sana Starros."

Ne'vets emerged from his tanning bed to Duk'k speaking to his gambling acquaintance from earlier that week. 

"Whatever it is, fine... just nobody shoots anybody else in the back."

The cluttered collection of space stations, satellites, garages. private residences, and other businesses flying around Hosnian Prime was nicknamed the Golden Orbit.  According to Sana, his last known location was Freerago's Satellite Diner and Motel.

"You guys know what he's wanted for, right?" she asked the crew.

"Of course, it said genocide right on the bounty," Duk'k declared.

"Yeah, genocide, if gang membership is considered a race.  He poisoned a number of high ranking leaders of multiple gangs at a meeting.  Ended up killing hundreds trying to escape.  The gangs definitely made things sound worse, but if we don't this right, he might have the capability to wipe out the satellite, possibly the planet."

"Fun" coming out of Latorna's mouth was the only response Sana got.  

Starros landed her Skipray Blastboat in the starport attached to the facility and the crew ventured over to the diner.  The diner was a collection giant window panes and a few dozen booths bedecked in red leather, with chrome trim.  It was fairly bustling when they walked in the doors.

As the crew were seated in far end of the U-shaped restaurant, Latorna walked to the restrooms.  The waitstaff at Freerago's were all a mixture of makes and models of serving droids. 

The restrooms were located at the far opposite side of the U, a cluttered and cramped area that also served as the kitchen doors.  Latorna dodged droid and patron alike to get into the ladies room.

Back at the table, Duk'k ordered bread and inquired about any Pau'ans.  

"We get them in from time to time, horrible tippers.  None have been around today."

"I'll have the Mid-Rim Omlette," Ne'vets interrupted.  

Latorna emerged from the ladies room, and headed directly into the men's. Inside, at the sink, washing his hands, was a Pau'an.  
Fy'zen Gor, Pau'an Genocidal Madman (allegedly)
Latorna chucked a tangler grenade and the unidentified xeno.  For an old and decrepit looking race, the Pau'an dove out of the tanger's area of effect. 

A booming voice came out of his mouth,  "I want no trouble, just hand me a towel, and I'll be on my way.  I want no trouble."  He simply motioned to the sani-wipe dispenser.  

Latorna pulled her blaster and screamed, "You kriffin' fools, I found him!"

Duk'k heard the scream and worked his way around to investigate.  Ne'vets dug into his recently delivered omelet.  

Latorna took one step back for a better angle, and became the recipient of a shoulder massage from a pair of large furry hands. 

"Don't hurt the professor," could be heard in Wookie.

The Pau'an peeked his head around the doorway, "Oh my, that's new..."

Latorna juked to the right and twirled, dropping to one knee, but she found herself still attached to the Wookie.

Sana and the others scurried around to the restrooms, leaving Ne'vets at the table, pondering the amount of nutmeg they put in the kaf creamer on the table. 

A male voice cut the tension in the hallway, "Hey, the Professor belongs in a prison.  Enjoy the Rodian crepes and let us handle this."

The Wookie loosened his grip on one of Latorna's shoulders and leverage the other to swing Latorna into the tile-covered walls.   Latorna fired her blaster in her free off-hand, but the bolts hit the ceiling, then a blaster shot from the man knocked her weapon away.  

The man seemed empathetic as he motioned his blaster at the back door.   "Go!  We don't want to hurt you."

Duk'k pushed through droids and fleeing patrons to see the male and the Wookie working near the men's room.  "Let's keep it calm, or else I'm opening fire, Latorna, what's the deal?"

The man mumbled loud enough to hear, "Iguesswe'retheonesleaving."

Latorna pulled out her final blaster and shot the Wookie in the back, nicking him, and blowing a hole in the wall in the men's room.  While holding the Pau'an in one hand, and smack Latorna's blaster out of her hand with the other.  

The man threw his hands in the air, "They're bigger idiots than we thought, let's get out of here," and with that the duo and Pau'an fled out the back door.

Sana dashed past Duk'k and Latorna, pulling out blasters from under her serape.

"Did we have them, do we have them?   Let's avoid the collateral damage?  Was that a Wookie?"

Latorna followed Sana out the door and took a hard left down the alleyway.  

Duk'k narrowly evaded a horde of kitchen droids emerging through the kitchen doorsc, investigating the blaster fire.  The droids blocked the path for any other bystander.  Duk'k went into the alley and hit the ignition on his jetpack.

Ne'vets paid the bill, slid out of the booth, and headed into the lot, "They're going to need to circle back in this direction," he thought to himself. 

Flying through the air, Duk'k was able to spot a random blaster shot.  Hovering closer to the ground, the Sipsk'ud saw the Pau'an on the ground, the human hovering over him, and the Wookie menacing Duk'k with a bowcaster.  The Wookie growled, "Han, we need to leave NOW!"

The Wookie fired the bowcaster up at Duk'k, narrowly missing, and Duk'k rained down grenades in turn.

Latorna and Sana worked down the backalleys, "Latorna, what are we doing out here.  Killing the target was acceptable, even in the diner."

"First off, sister, take a step back.  Second, the only one to do anything was me.  Three, why don't you karking run ahead to catch up to them.

Latorna raised her blaster near her head, and the whole world seemed to got bright white.  

Duk'k's grenade barrage was random.  The Wookie was able to catch a flashbang, and even though he didn't hit the flying bounty hunter, he tossed it over a building, catching Latorna and Sana in the flash.

Ne'vets was back to the Sana's ship, trying to gain access.  Dozens of folks were running in full-blown panic.  None appeared to be a Paun'an.

Once the crew recovered, everyone else reached Duk'k, with him standing over the body of the Pau'an.  

As Duk'k turned the body over, he expected a face wound on a rigid body, but upon closer examination the head held a tiny cockpit for some alien race to control the body.  

Sana completed the Sipsk'ud, "Nice shooting Duk'k!"

"Thanks, but it looks like the Pau'an's body was a vehicle for a smaller race."

"That's problematic for the bounty, with the face blown off, we can't even close off the access  plan and try to claim the bounty.  Where'd the occupant go?"  

"It appears the Wookie and the human took off his head."

"Wait, there was a Wookie and a man involved?"

"I believe so, do you know them?"

Sana laughed a bit, "I think I do.  Can't claim the bounty with this.  Let's say I treat you guys to brunch and get you back on planet.  Sorry about this, like you know things can go sideways, but this went really sideways." 

"Bounty hunting a complicated business, Sana."

The group eventually fought there the planetary defense forces and low-ranking Imperial officers to return to Sana's boat.

"Waitaminute! Brunch?" Ne'vets questioned, holding a food container.  "I never finished my omelet!"

GM Notes:  I do keep track of the Canon and Legends timelines, just in case things interfered with the campaign.  It just happens that during 3 BBY, Sana, Han Solo, and Chewbacca tried to rescue the Pau'an in question, in the diner orbiting Hosnian Prime.  I figured what the hey, and proceeded to embellish the scene.  

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