
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, April 28, 2023

(Painting) Gnomish Space Marine Dreadnought

I've been wildly impressed with Dollar Tree's Final Faction line of action figures.  Even for a $1.25, the figures are definitely good enough to play with, and a number of pieces can be used for miniature games, and the accessory packs are good for toys and augmenting your tabletop armies.  

This was on the shelf as a P-131 Automated Drone.  That might be fine for final faction, but me, it's a Gnomish Space Marine Dreadnought.

Gnomish Space Marine Dreadnought (485 points walker)
Agility: 5  Shooting: 8
+2 Crew Sections
+2 Hard Point Turrets with Battle Cannons
+1 Hard Point Turret with Heavy Machine Gun
+15 Armor front and back
(You could add 25 points for Battle Hardened Crew, maybe 27 points for camouflage)

Next in the Queue:  The same old same old.  Chaos Gnomish Space Marines, Zombies, Campers,  and Blue Martians... plus another dreadnought

Project 350: Despite getting some stuff off the lists this month, we've bumped back up to 459 (304 drafts/155 scheduled) versus 456 (298/158) last month.  Despite being behind only three Gamma World sessions, I also have found some pretty cool stuff to add to my blogging "to-do" list.  Once some of this stuff on the painting bench gets finished, I can proceed with Planet 28 and Pulp Alley projects (and whatever the sci-fi games for Historicon will need.

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