
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Twenty Questions About My Campaign - Going Forward and Looking Back

While doing the boring-for-everyone-but-me mid-year blog maintenance, I came upon a fun questionnaire I've done in the past:  Twenty Questions.

The original I did was actually My Twenty Answers, more of a "Get to know the blog author." series, but further delving into internet, I did discover "Twenty Questions About My Campaign."  I've adapted it for my Call of Cthulhu, and Fantasy campaigns, and I swear I did a Star Wars version, but all of those were quite some time ago.  In fact, that was as well before I finished my 249-episode Actual Plays over multiple campaigns in the world.  

While my original idea was to write up a Twenty Questions for my current Gamma World campaign, I'll probably post that in September, closer to when my Star Wars d6 posts end and that campaign starts. 

In the meantime, I'm adding some revised versions of my Twenty Questions for each of my existing campaign, not only for posterity, but because every single one is still open-ended.  Look for them in the upcoming weeks!

Twenty Questions - Gulluvia

Twenty Questions - Call of Cthulhu

Twenty Questions - World of Georic

Until then, here's a picture and link for American Barbarian.  Nothing in the Gamma World campaign is base off of these comic, but I guarantee you the second storyline will have some influences.

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