
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Blue Book Campaigns

 In Episode #545 of Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff, Ken AND Robin discussed Blue Book-heavy games, where there's a lot activity outside of the proper game session.  It's has a certain time-commitment that's far much more the average player assumes.  

This is beyond on-going, in-character journals, rather solo side-treks, character backstory development, and RPG bookkeeping beyond the basic session maintenance.

Now that we're years into online gaming, whether COVID forced or before, using all the available online apps to flesh out the game, or even continue narrative role-playing, and have the GM tie them all back together for all the players to see (when appropriate) at the regular session.  

With Gamma World just going strong, and a host of other projects, I'm still inclined to use this for all my campaigns that are technically on hiatus.

Star Wars d6:  I simply needed a palette cleanser for this campaign, and I would work on deeper back stories, regular touchpoints with the players, and restart with a "Six months later" collaborative plot. 

Gullavia (D&D): The death of Barry Manaslow and new players moving towards Star Wars benched this game, which was normally a fall-back game to begin with).  I don't know if I want to restart in the same town, but there's a story that I'd like to attempt to finish, and it's enough of a blank canvas to give beneficial xp for character development. 

Call of Cthulhu:  It's been 7 1/2 years since the lost post for game, but the group (largely) survived Masks of Nylarathotep and are back home.  Significant Blue Booking can reolve a "six months later" storyline, and we could ease the investigators back in, with a few parallel sessions with wet-behind-the-ears PCs until uniting them with the original characters is more practical. 

Hackmaster: The Burning Trog Ride Again: The last Burning Trogs Hackmaster session was May 2004 and the last campaign-related Hackmaster session was 2008, but there is still unfinished business with the Trogs and some revenge upon the Slavers of Roark (of A1-4 fame).   Over the last five years or so, there has been significant Blue-Booking, moving the campaign seventeen years in the future, working with the players to see where the characters would be when they finally get the message that the pirate trading post has finally been discovered.  With the logistics (and strained relationships), I foresee this as a massive quarterly online game, at best, with most investigation and role-playing being done in smaller or solo sessions, or just with write-ups.

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