
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, May 26, 2023

(Painting) Gnomish Space Marine Dreadnought II

 After a crazy basketball weekend in AC, this weekend is a ton of dance competitions for Maja.  All less than a half-hour away and all in the afternoon/early evening.  I've been able to catch up to a number of things, write up Gamma World actual plays, play some Dice Baseball for my Federal League, and actually apply paint to figures.

I grabbed two of them from the Dollar Tree, so a second Gnomish Space Marine Dreadnought  was easily finished.  

Probably won't find anymore of these guys, as it was an earlier release, and the stuff cycles at ridiculous rates.  I have assembled some of the Kharn alien dudes, and I remembered that I forgot to plug the "action figure screws" before priming. Doh!  I'm not sure if I'll get any of them done, but I looking at a classic 40k 2nd Edition Tyranid look.

The GSM have such wonderful toys...

I also knocked out two more of the Chaos Space Gnomes.

Next in the queue:  More Chaos Space Gnomes, Blue Martians, some post-apocalyptic dudes, Star Schlock, and poor man's Tyranids, $1.25 a pack.  My events at Historicon will be sci-fi in nature, and pretty open-ended, so I have six or seven weeks to paint up even more stuff for some Fistful of Lead glory.

Project 350:  After months of slowing dropping the numbers of drafts/ideas and scheduled posts on the blog, I've spiked up to  467 (313 drafts /154 scheduled) versus 459 (304/155) at the end of last month.  With minimal game play in May, I've added some fun writing/campaign exercises for the next two months, plus I have salvaged some ideas from blogs which may disappear at the end of the year.  If everything runs perfectly (ha!), that should keep me busy, until the 2023 list for #RPGaDay comes out, and my August is swamped. 

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