
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

(Star Wars d6) #88 - Interviews With a Quarren

The Crew of the Pretio in This Week's Episode 

Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.

Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.

"Sid" - A peculiar woman who has shown to be a better pilot than the previous one. Possible Imperial ties, but a far better shot.
R2-H8(r) - Astromech with a confusing history, and harsh attitude towards most of the crew.

Evus - Twi'lek male, former slave, then former associate of Ne'vets, who has found his way back to the Pretio but caught back up in the nonsense of the Pretio

Sqarl Prugguk - Quarren ex-Whaladon hunter, looking for work.  Currently interviewing for a spot on the Pretio.

Tell Me a Little Something About Yourself
With the recent arrest of a crew member,
Ne'vet Aharo and the crew of the Pretio have decided 
An extended rest on the planet Bestine was in order, 

Such sedentary living has attracted some 
Interesting characters, the latest of which has been 
A Quarren who found a want ad in the 
Bestine Credit-Saver.

Will Sqarl the Quarren join the ranks of the crew,
Or will a series of interviews,
Each one tougher than the previous, 
Doom the crew to work short-handed?

As 1300 hours approached, Ne'vets did not feel ready to conduct a formal interview, so he deferred it to the two least-qualified members of the crew with interview experience:  Sid and R2-H8(r).  

Sid panicked, but quickly did her research, finding a seafood restaurant that allowed droid, the chain restaurant, Trans-Galactic Lobsteroid, was an adequate pick.

Sqarl quickly shuffled off to the location on the message, and was a bit off-put with an astromech and a women resembling an Imperial officer at the front doors.  The female acknowledge the Quarren with a nod and an open hand towards the doors, "Welcome, come with us..."

"Captain Aharo has tasked me with finding out what you're good at.  We will execute this by having you drink a lot, then answers a lot of questions."

A serving droid with a spherical locomotion took drink orders.  

Sid: "Water"

Sqarl: "You're not drinking, but I am? Doesn't seem fair, but let's start with a full bottle of Gran Moff Rum."

"Excellent. Should I submit an appetizer sampler for your party?"

Sid: "Yes please, and a serving of ice cream, that's all for now, thank you."

Sqarl Prugguk
While watching Sqarl sip the rum, Sid continued to ask the Quarren, "Are you drunk yet?"  Sqarl's answers were unacceptable, so Sid started asking questions anyway.

"So Sqarl, tell me about yourself."

"Actually, how about you tell me about what you're looking for and what exactly you do?

That reversal of questioning took Sid by surprise, and she began to babble on the job duties of the crew.

R2 finally interrupted, "When you capture a creature, have you ever put them into monkeypants, er... clothing."

"Well, most of the creatures I've captured were aquatic and had little need for clothing."

"How would you deal with living on a star ship for extended periods of time."

"So long as I have a place to soak from time to time, I'll have not complaints."

"Red flag right there. Barely started the interview and he's giving his demands."

"What is the droid babbling on about.  I don't deal with droids directly."

"That's enough, Hater!  How are you in a gunfight?"

"Let that droid keep talking and I'll show you!"

"So Sid, ask him if he ever worked a day in his life? Aquatic work is like beach combing?"

"What about those sharks I needed to shoot at back on that planet?"

The interview pair rambled on about this mysterious animal, and Sqarl chimed in.

"Are you trying to talk about the Sulo Sea Bears? Fascinating creatures," and began to extoll the virtues and problems with the vicious herd animals.

"Then ask him why he thinks he can only talk to one member of the interview team."

"Oh my, it thinks it has rights."

Sid finished his ice cream, paid the bill, and they departed.

The pair came back to the Pretio to review with Ne'vets.  

"He seems adequate."

"He hates droids, the decision is all yours."

Ne'vets frowned, "I believe neither of you understood the instructions I gave you at all. I would have had Tarrie do the whole interview process, but he's still MIA. I've got to rely more on you guys."

"He seems adequate."

Ne'vets sighed, "Alright, Sid send him a message to have him come by the ship for my interview."

Later that day, Sqarl arrived at their bay, Sid at the bottom of the ramp, polishing something. 

"Captain, Sir, the Quarren's here!"

Ne'vets jogged down the ramp, shook the Quarren's hand, and led him back up the ramp and into the ship.  

"So, we're very e my colleagues spoke highly of you regarding the interview.  What did you think of them?"

"I think this would be an adequate match to my skills and I'm looking forward to working with you."

"Wow, those are the first words out of Sid's mouth as well.  Good to know you two are on the same page."

Ne'vets gave Sqarl the tour, introducing him to Evus and Dr P3PP3R.  They toured the cargo bays, discussed the Piscopo and the Something Awesome  Sqarl was quick to note the recent repairs on the ship, and the added guns beyond the factory design.

It was somewhere around admiring the grenade dispensers, the Ne'vets turned back from storytelling and back to the interview.  "So, one of my questions is, about, well, doing what's right.  What do you feel about rules, doing what's right, doing what's necessary to get a job."

"So when you operate, do you work within the public eye, and are we working within Imperial Space usually?  Obviously, we need to follow Imperial decree, as needed, and what they don't know won't hurt them."

"Good answer.  How do you feel about defending your crewmates, should things go badly, and can you give me an example of sometime before where you needed to do that?"

"I found that dealing with whaladons and other massive creatures, that you have to work as a team.  If one member of the team lets the others down, death and destruction befalls everyone."

"Couldn't agree more.  It looks like you'd fit in well with the group.  It looks like we'll need our enforcer Duk'k take you out and prove your marksmanship claims. Be forewarned, we've dealt with Imperials and multiple corporations before, as well as rich individuals.  I'll have Duk'k reach out to you tomorrow for the last hurdle to join the crew. "

GM Notes: The appearance of the Quarren occurred right before the 4th of July Weekend, 2022, so trying to get the actual interview done was a bit trying.  We didn't get the final interview in until the beginning of August.  I'm quite certain they could take advantage of some pointers from Dolores in Imperial HR.

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