
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

(Star Wars d6) #89 - Sqarl's Skills Evaluation

The Crew of the Pretio in This Week's Episode 

Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.

Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.

"Sid" - A peculiar woman who has shown to be a better pilot than the previous one. Possible Imperial ties, but a far better shot.
R2-H8(r) - Astromech with a confusing history, and harsh attitude towards most of the crew.

Evus - Twi'lek male, former slave, then former associate of Ne'vets, who has found his way back to the Pretio but caught back up in the nonsense of the Pretio

Sqarl Prugguk - Quarren ex-whaledon hunter, looking for stable work in an unstable galaxy.

Tests You Can't Duk'k 
Two tough interview under his belt, 
Former whaledon hunter Quarrl faces
One more interview: An series of physical 
Tests from Duk'k: The Bounty Hunter himself.

And even if the Quarren passes and is 
Hired, does Ne'vets Aharo even have
A job for all of them to go on?

Satisfied with his interview with Sqarl the Quarren, Ne'vets crawled up the ladder to the gunner's turret and found a half-sleeping Duk'k.

"Who'd it go?"  Duk'k cracked open his eyes.  

"He talks a good talk.  He does need a good practicum with his skills before I offer him a probationaary share.  Check him out, take him out. You know what needs to do beyond what I could do."

"Rogert that."  and with that, the Sipsk'ud went back to sleep.

Nothing came up in the bounty hunting database, so it was time to take him out to one of the shooting ranges on Bestine. 

Meeting the Quarren outside the range, the pair exchanged pleasantries before entering the building and going downstairs into the basement.  

Duk'k sneared at the primitive looking long gun the Quarren had strapped on his back.  "Go ahead, have fun."

Sqarl prepped his weapon and fired a harpoon into the chest of a mannequin.  Duk'k barely noticed the Quarren flicking a selector switch on the weapon, and a flurry of blaster fire flew out of the same barrel, hitting all the targets in question. 

"That was easy enough, let's go get a drink."

Duk'k peppered the Quarren with a series of softball questions as they walked across the neighborhood to a seedy, cantina, Miggurks.  He motioned Sqarl to a random booth, grabbed a couple of drinks and pointed at a random patron.

"Really Sqarl, you find that guy to be a complete pile of shakk poodoo?"

The Snivvian in question crawled over his friends in their own booth, looked at Duk'k, and when he realized who Sqarl was, ran over to the Quarren.

Fatovic the Snivvian
One punch, one punch threw the Snivvian back into his seat in the booth, flying over his friends.  Squarl's flaring face tentacles may have prevented the crew from getting up any more, but Duk'k behind him, with a hand on his holster, changed hearts and minds awfully fast. 

The Snivvian's pals were a bit miffed, "HEY!  We were drinking here.  How 'bout you pick on somebody else your own size!"

Squrrrl tried to play peacemaker "I only had a beef with that guy, let me buy ya a drink..."

"And a Quesadilla!" the patrons shot back.  


Before the food could make it to the table, unconscious Snivvian was tossed from the cantina, the crew members were trading stories with the old timers in the booth.

With the staged conflict resolved amicably, Duk'k and Sqarl left the old timers with their appetizer and went back to their own booth for the final one-on-one interview.

Sqarl traded stories of Whaledon hunting and basic philosophy of life. while Duk'k ran off a series of hypotheticals involving grenades, piloting, and knocking off jewelry stores while waiting for other crew members completing tasks while in a spaceport.  Sqarl gave acceptable answers that Duk'k couldn't find deception in.

"Final big question, Sqarl.  We're on the Pretio a lot?  Space Salisbury Steak meals:  Brownie of Cobbler?"

"Is there fish in it?"

"No.... it's Salisbury steak, a starch, maybe some carrots."

"I'd bring my own cans of fish."

"You can't put them in the microwave.  We just got the smell out of the old ones."

"Fair enough, but I guess I'd pick the brownie."

"Wrong answer, it's always the cobbler, but we have plenty of both."

With that, they finished their drinks and left the cantina, going their separate ways.  Duk'k sent a quick message to Ne'vets.


Duk'k returned to the Pretio and went into greater detail with Ne'vets.  An offer would be given. 

"First, we need to adjust the temperature controls in one of the rooms."

Before getting the offer, Sqarl was already prepping for the assignment.  A knapsack fill of moisturizer, sunscreen, and tentacle balm, and a few cans of fish, Salisbury Steak be damned. 

The next day, Sid stared out the cockpit and saw the Quarren walking towards the Pretio.  She came down the ramp to greet him.

"Hello, Sqarl, welcome to the ship, let us find Mister Aharo."

She led the Quarren into the ship and to the door to Ne'vets quarters.  The door opened, to Ne'vets at his desk, pouring through dozens of files and messages on his computer.  

Sqarl figured he make pleasantries before finding his quarters, "Hey Boss, happy to be here... wait, does that message say WEREWOLVES???"

GM Notes:  It was a good idea to prompt a short brawl in the cantina. No one could honestly remember the last time punches were thrown.

Next: #90 - Werewolves For Fun and Profit.

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