
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, June 9, 2023

(Painting) American Gothic

 This are finally coming off the painting bench, finished no less!  

(L to R) Dollar Tree, Brigade Games, MBA

The fine fellow who believes a chainsaw is a crude, brutal weapon is an American Gnome Doctor from Brigade Games' Gnome Wars line.   He'll be plucked from the rotting camper and support my Nauvoo Legion of the Mormon Theocracy of Deseret. 

The trailer was part of an older Fairy Garden wave of product from Dollar Tree.  I picked up two for zombie games, and they've been sitting in the overall queue for a long, long time.   It was inspired by social media posts that are being used in a multiple spam campaigns regarding a stolen trailer.

May be stolen somewhere, by someone, at some time.  Maybe not.  Status of the dog is unknown.

I'm also slowly pumping out more Chaos Space Gnomes, a pair at a time: 

Still Macrocosm

Next in the Queue:  Chaos GSM, Star Schlock, Blue Martian Orglings, and the Dollar 'Nids.

Project: 350 -  Slowly dropping to 463 (310/153) from 465 (310/155).   #RPGaDay just updated their Facebook page about the 10th anniversary of the event, so I have five weeks to clean things up as best as I can.

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