
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, June 23, 2023

(Painting) Chaos Space Gnomes (Space Dwarves Chaos Squad) by Macrocosm

It's been a long-long week, but, if any paltry positive could be pulled, it's that the Space Dwarves Chaos Squad from Macrocosm Miniatures are finally completed!

I've got to admit, this was one of my favorite Kickstarters, from start to finish.  I abhor UK shipping, yet Macrocosm has a knack for getting things out faster than some or their competitors here in the States.  

The minis themselves are resin with a lot of flash, but the detail was great, and I could hide some of the missed flash in the flocking.  

For Planet 28 1st Edition -
Armored Chaos Space Gnome:  Shooting 4 - Fighting 3  - Agility 5.  Hit Points 20 - Speed 10cm+1d6 running.  Exo-Armor (treat as heavy armor, except it nullifies the Space Gnomes' SLOW trait).

Figures wielding melee weapons tend to vastly improve their fighting scores, and leave shooting at base.
Next: The table is "clear" of long-term projects, time to look at the Historicon push list. 
This alleged Historicon push list is mostly a recent order I placed through Battle Valor well prior to my "budgetary realignment" at work.  I already have enough figures for my games, but halfway through the year I might as well try a push, since I have a bit more time.

Project: 350 -  A few more ideas appeared, pushing by total up to 465  (313/152) from 462 (310/152)

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