
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, June 16, 2023

(Painting) Dollar Store Genestealers

 As we wind down from AAU practices and dance rehearsals, this concept called time is returning, and paint has returned to brushes, then transferred to figures.

Nothing jumped into the queue, although these bad boys (girls?  things?) moved all the way to the front and were finished lickety-split.  

Welcome the Bugs from Dimension-G.  

I don't think these guys are fitting into Space Hulk derelicts
These are Kharn Perimeter Defense Crawlers, which came in a 2-pack for the Final Faction action figure line.
Their paint jobs are inspired by 2nd Edition Genestealers,    I would love to get another 6-10 of them and stat them out for various forms of bug hunts. 
A Bug with Gnomish Space Marines for size comparison

Biggest problem wasn't painting them, but gluing their joints to keep the legs from swinging.   A few joints needed two or three attempts to properly set.

The ease of painting these (and the prior Final Faction "robots") will definitely get more of the Kharn creatures into the queue after Historicon, to be painted in classic 2nd Ed 40k Tyrranid styles.   There are some holes in the back of the creatures, used to insert accessories, that I left open and merely primed and painted the insides black.  With the other figures I'll need to plug those holes, as they have spots for screws that are a big obvious on the back.

Countdown to Historicon -   Only 34 days to Historicon.  I've inventoried what I have for my games, and reorganized the painting queues for not only a "wish list" for my games, but a few more figures for Mike Lung's Wasteland Warriors games using Fistful of Lead.   The Chaos Space Gnomes are almost complete! 

Project: 350 - Barely any movement 462 (310/152) from 463 (310/153). This weekend, I'd like to see two games and maybe an actual play finished.  It is Father's Day weekend, and while some dad's want grills, beer, and ties, I'm happy with simply gaming.  

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