
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, June 30, 2023

The Desert Dinks of Death Planet Iota

Another week down, and despite a full inventory showing I don't need to paint up more figures for my Fistful of Lead game at Historicon, I am working through my latest order from Battle Valor.  

Only one group got completed, generically titled Four Robed Aliens 3 in Battle Valor's 28mm Sci-Fi collection.

Four Robed Aliens 3

Not great for pictures, but I do like the way they blend into the desert cloth and outcropping.

One could call them off-brand Jawas, but halfway through painting them I realized they resembled a much-ignored race in sci-fi history:  Yogurt's Dinks from Spaceballs. 

Battle Valor does have a booth at Historicon, and I'm adding more of these guys (and Four Robed Aliens 2) and picking up some coppery glitter paint for "High Dinks."

My copy of Galactic Heroes for Fistful of Lead arrived in the mail, and I got the pdf copy of the Codex Galactica expansion for some grim sci-fi goodness.  I'll be typing up units cards this weekend and testing a few things out.  

I also finished the second of two campers I snagged up at Dollar Tree long, long ago.  

Next in the Queue:  Gnomish Space Marines and some random sci-fi civilians. 

Project: 350 - Post creep continues to 468 (312 drafts /156 scheduled posts) from 465  (313/152) last week.  

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