
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Cold Wars 2024 Officially Cancelled!

It was the biggest of the few rumblings at Historicon, but the official word has come down from HMGS:  Cold Wars 2024 is officially cancelled! 

No the spring convention hasn't been permanently shelved.  No, a flurry of local historical wargaming conventions aren't immediately taking its place (more on that later).  

I heard dozens of reasons and excuses from a vast variety of folks out of the know, but the explanation provided was pretty simple.   All other variables put aside, there was no one stepping forward with enough qualifications to run the convention as its Convention Director.  Joby Miller, the Convention Director for Historicon and this past Fall-In! doesn't want to handle the load of all three conventions, and if my limited view of Ops during the shows, no one was shadowing him as he put out fires all weekend.   None of the previous Directors are clamoring back, and after years of godless, thankless work, I don't blame them.  

Interested persons for the position might wish to contact HMGS and volunteer hours pre-con and the entirety of Fall-In! to see if being a CD is a thing for you!

If you're in the Baltimore-DC area, the H.A.W.K.S. will be hosting "Cold Barrage" March 2nd, in Havre de Grace, Maryland.  Scrum Con will be at the Silver Springs Civic Center just outside of Washington DC, March 29-30.

Mepacon 46, a multi-discipline gaming convention, will be April 19-21 in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

And who knows?  Other options may present themselves. 

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