
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, August 12, 2023

#RPGaDay2023 - Day 12 - Old Game I Still Play

Day 12 of #RPGaDay2023

For each day I'll be answering the question provided, and for fun, review how I answered a similar question during #RPGaDay a decade ago.  Scout's Honor, I have not peeked at the older answer.

Day 12's prompt is "Old Game I Still Play" 

Dude, every game I play is an old game.   True, like a family reunion, everything is relative but, 5th Edition D&D is nine years old next week, and even Pathfinder 2 just celebrated four.  Stuff gets old fast.

There's no Morrow Project/Empire of the Petal Throne/original Metamorphosis Alpha awesomeness on my recent docket. In the past year, I've been running:

(1996) Star Wars (2nd Edition Revised) - It's the copy I've used for the last 100+ sessions of my campaign.  The original 2nd Edition is a superior rulebook/reference guide, but it's the copy I have at hand every Monday night.

(1992) Gamma World 4th Edition - The new campaign for our group..  Each edition has its own faults, but the pre-d20 style of the ruleset (high AC = better) keeps it simple and stable for new and old player alike.  This campaign's write-ups will start appearing on Tuesdays in October.

Gamma World 4th Edition (POD) and a sad little tree

(1983) D&D Mentzer Red Box - One of the filler games I use when we're down players.  Adventures in Gulluvia was a generic village with the Goblin Dungeon (sans Bargle) and Gygar's Castle up in the mountains, but in the most recent episode #20, the first sign that it's a niche part of my on-going campaign world was revealed.  I label it BECMI, but to be honest, everything's been pulled out the red box booklets, as no one has made it past 2nd level yet. 

Ten Years Ago Today:  Ten years ago, I was still fiddling around with a little system called Top Secret.  For a long time, I thought I could go old school for a Charlie's Angels-styled game involving the Spice Girls, but the more I worked on it, the less passion and fun there seemed to be.    It's not even on the back burner right now (more like a warming tray in a pantry), but I have some lighter mechanics to keep it fun.

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