
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, August 17, 2023

#RPGaDay2023 - Day 17 - Funniest Game You've Played

Day 17 of #RPGaDay2023 and I'm laughing at how hard this question is.  

For each day I'll be answering the question provided, and for fun, review how I answered a similar question during #RPGaDay a decade ago.  Scout's Honor, I have not peeked at the older answer.

Day 17's prompt is "Funniest Game You've Played" 

Most of my games produce serious chuckles, even if it's out-of-character talk.  But Funniest?  Without going back and researching, I'm going to have to go with a Christmas game, using Toon, circa 2002 run by our friend Droz.  

I think the premise was simple, Santa and most of the top elves had disappeared, leaving... erm... the misfit elves to find them.  

We were told to draw our characters.  Most of us made bad attempts at Rankin-Bass elves.  One player just drew a curly-cue cotton ball with eyes, arms, and legs.  Their job?  To fluff up all the stuffed animals so they're ready for Christmas morning.  Half of the readers will know where this was going (it was an all-adult group).  For the other half, the mysterious theme dominated the game, but you just had to be there.  

As clues were assembled, and we found a skullcap, blue star symbol, Manischewitz wine, and a note referring to one of the kidnappers as Harry, they all knew where to go.

Hogwart's... because it was obviously Harry Potter. 

After a short wizarding war to get things back on track, we continually ran things off the rails AGAIN and AGAIN.  I think we hijacked a monorail and tried to sing Christmas in Hollis in our worst elf voices, but ultimately Hannukah Harry was vanquished and a grand time was had by all.  

I have other games that might be far funnier written out, but this one had us all-out guffawing for most of the game. 

Ten Years Ago Today:  And then I read the post from 10 years ago, and I only have one word:

The Kermitnator

TWERPS was famous for those silly punny character concepts.  The Holy Rolled-Up Newspaper of God, Wednesday Edition, was all me.   

1993 was an odd time indeed.

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