
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, August 25, 2023

#RPGaDay2023 - Day 25 - An Unplayed RPG That I Own

Day 25 of #RPGaDay2023!  

For each day I'll be answering the question provided, and for fun, review how I answered a similar question during #RPGaDay a decade ago.  Scout's Honor, I have not peeked at the older answer.

Day 25's prompt is "An Unplayed RPG That I Own" 

First, it's a perfect time to let me take a shelfie...

While I haven't gotten a chance to use all the adventures and supplements on my bookcase, I have played all the RPG rules on the shelves, which forced me to dig into the drawers beneath.  

I pulled out two that I grabbed during one of the  #Zinequests and have not gotten around to playing.

Girl Underground: A Powered by the Apocalypse game about curious girls in wondrous worlds, such as Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz and Spirited Away.  The playbooks are for each character archetype in the stories (The Girl, the Beast, the Construct, etc...)

Last Sentinels:  Is a GM-less game for 3-4 players.  Play focuses on a lone protagonist, a rookie Mech pilot defending the survivors of his planet from overwhelming odds.  Players take turns playing the roles of the pilot, their enemies, and other minor characters.  Worse yet, the pilot is doomed to fail 

The author also wrote A Complicated Profession, a fun game those goes off in the complete opposite direction.  I recommend both.

... and we don't talk about PDFs.  My DriveThruRPG Library, like everyone else's, is too intimidating for a positive project like #RPGaDay.

Ten Years Ago Today:  It appears the original topic was actually  Favorite RPG No One Wants to Play, a different focus entirely.  Looking back I actually offered seven games I wanted to play, but could not get the players.  A decade later, the development of casual online gaming, and a pandemic to double down on it. I'm happy to say three of the seven have been explored at a "table" with players.  

#7 ✔️Gamma World - Currently running online, and the characters and concepts were the inspiration of a post-apocalyptic miniatures game at Historicon.

#6 Mouse Guard - Never got around to it.  Eventually sold off the book.  Currently investigating Root with the girls, thanks to #FreeRPGDay swag.

#5 Talislanta - Even with a Talislanta: The Savaage Lands RPG Kickstarter (set immediately after the cataclysm) and an Epic "final" edition in the works, I haven't played a lick of it. 

#4 ✔️ The Gnomish Space Marines - The TWERPS/Rogue Trader vibe converted over to sci-fi miniatures, using either Planet 28 or Fistful of Lead.  Using the Laserburn rules and supplements for military fluff.  They made their appearance at this year's Historicon as well.  

#3 ✔️ Call of Cthulhu: Cult of Nevoz - This was at least started, thanks to GM no-shows during the early days of my online gaming.  It evolved a bit more into "Canadian 90's College Cthulhu" but we could pick up were we left off.  I did manage a Canadian rendition of "Werewolves of London (Drug)."

#2 Recon - Never got a chance, no longer own the rules, but if I did have more players with military experience, I'd hunt it down/buy the pdf in a heartbeat.

#1 "Home" -  Polynesian D&D or more accurately "Reverse Dungeon Isle of Dread" where the PCs are young natives.  The binder is not on my shelfie, but I have pulled it out over the years to review and revise.  If my current BECMI D&D fill-in game ever completes its story arc (it does have one!) I may need to to shoe-horn this into the group, 

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