
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

#RPGaDay2023 - Day 29 - Most Memorable Encounter

Day 29 of #RPGaDay2023!  

For each day I'll be answering the question provided, and for fun, review how I answered a similar question during #RPGaDay a decade ago.  Scout's Honor, I have not peeked at the older answer.

Day 29s prompt is "Most Memorable Encounter"

Without peeking, my first thought sent to the first time Velandro met Dag.  

My 2nd edition AD&D college campaign, nowadays referred to as The Ballad of the Pigeon-God was an eclectic one, with over a dozen players moving in and out of the game during its lifetime.  

The group had begun playing B3 - Palace of the Silver Princess, using the "not cool" plot device place in B1-9 - In Search of Adventure. 

The group was maneuvering through the palace quite handily, if still confused by their circumstances, when they came upon the ruined library.  

Velandro was the cool, collected cleric of Akana (the state religion), who usually let the warriors take the lead in dungeon clearing.  But upon hearing scuttering amongst the collapsed bookshelves and shattered tables, followed by an audible shushing, Velandro took the lead, forcing the fighters back and he tried to lure whatever creature out. 

After much coaxing, a lone kobold peaked his head out.  Velandro offered food and show of dominance against his fellow adventurers, forcing them further back.   

After a half-hour of pure role-playing throwing a small monkey wrench into a night of dungeon crawling, it appeared that the kobold, Dag, not only swore allegiance to Velandro, but that of his wife and two young children hiding in the rubble.  Although a bit of a worrisome nuisance, Dag & Company helped the party clear out the palace.  

And, as one might suspect.  Dag's family became part of greater party's family, earning their keep, and ultimately leaving with Velandro to study religion, before returning to take part in the big apocalyptic finale.  Dag di Velandro, his wife Daschelle, his daughter Groata, and his son Scrag are all considered heroes of Crosedes, but more importantly, they are the founders of a kobold monastery in Ispatlia dedicated to creating kobold paladins.  

Ten Years Ago Today:  "It's a Wonderful Reunion"  Twenty-four sessions later, I tied in the party break-up over Summer break, and some disasters, and some multiversal adventuring with a big session on college move-in day that January. It does hold up as a great, memorable moment, probably moreso than my first thought t for 2023, but this one does have a kobold mariachi band.  I'm greatly overjoyed that, thanks to 3-D printing there are actually results to "Kobold Mariachi Band" compared to a decade ago, even if they are the 3E+ reptilian version. 

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