
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, August 31, 2023

#RPGaDay2023 - Day 31 - Favorite RPG of All Time

Day 31 of #RPGaDay2023!  We've made it once again!

For each day I'll be answering the question provided, and for fun, review how I answered a similar question during #RPGaDay a decade ago.  Scout's Honor, I have not peeked at the older answer.

Day 31's prompt is "Favorite RPG of All Time"   

I haven't played it in longer than a hot second, but Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition is still my winner. 

It's funny, when I wrote down my original answers to this year's prompts, I did peek at the results from a decade ago for today's question.  

Ten Years Ago Today:  Call of Cthulhu, 6th Edition 

I love BRP and its percentile goodness.  The common man unwittingly fighting against a darkness he could never fully comprehend, less his mind break.  And I still have the Resistance Table memorized (if I still have the THAC0 progression memorized, the table is beyond simple.)

Fun fact, I wrote the original post NINETEEN sessions into a Call of Cthulhu campaign.  

That's right, nineteen sessions of narratively tied together games.  From Pennsylvania Coal Country, to New York City, to the Dakota Badlands, the Klan-infested backwoods of Georgia, to the swamps of New Jersey.  And I ran episode 20, a week later, based on the island of Crete.

After that 20th session, we officially shifted gears, and we finally started Masks of Nylarathotep, which added twenty-one more entries. 

Two years later, the campaign was neatly tied up, but with a bow I could quickly undo.  We haven't returned to the Roaring 20's since, between online D&D, Star Wars, and Gamma World, with an unhealthy dose of COVID preventing the in-person sessions we craved for CoC games, but there's enough of a consensus that, should we cobble together some weekends to drive 60-90 minutes each to a central location, we need to start back up where we left things, with perhaps a warm-up session or three we could tie back into the original survivors.  I'm staring at a copy of Tales of the Sleepless City from Miskatonic River Press that's just screaming to be used, but perhaps a change in scenery from New York is eventually in order.  Arkham seems nice this time of year.  


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