
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, August 7, 2023

#RPGaDay2023 - Day 7 - The Smartest RPG I've Played

Day 7 of #RPGaDay2023

For each day I'll be answering the question provided, and for fun, review how I answered a similar question during #RPGaDay a decade ago.  Scout's Honor, I have not peeked at the older answer.

Day 7's prompt is "The Smartest RPG I've Played"

Definitely didn't peek from years gone by, because the first thing that flew to my mind was GURPS (Generic Universal Roleplaying System) by Steve Jackson Games.  

Throughout high school, GURPS was always a handy "Plan B" versus the usual AD&D games.  We covered Humanx, we covered Alien and Aliens (using the Verm from GURPS - Aliens), we converted D&D modules to deadly effect, and, of course, my GURPS Red Dawn game was the first attempt at players running their in-game avatar versions.  

The actual in-game mechanics for the system are pretty routine, unless we were calculating, say, a sniper shot (That was a very messy red mist when it was all said and done.).  It was actual character creation that required a little innovation, some bookkeeping, and a lot of referencing.  Start using the infinite sourcebooks available, and the bonuses and circular references could take its toll.

And then there's GURPS Mecha and GURPS Vehicles, where the players needed points in slide rule to calculate things.  

Ten Years Ago Today:  I went the opposite direction when this question was first brought up.

Risus: The Anything RPG -  It's so basic, one must be on their A-game to take full advantage of even the basic rules.

Thousand point characters, and referencing the Champions rulebook is one thing,   It takes considerable skill and cunning to run a Bavarian Ninja Hairdresser Serving Wench and know when to take advantage of Talkative Hairdresser (1) in a game of "Oni Oktoberfest."

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