
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

(Star Wars d6) #101 - Clinical Self-Extraction

The Crew of the Pretio in This Week's Episode 

Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.  Currently missing after the Pretio's abrupt stop.

Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.  Currently overseeing the repairs to the Pretio.

Sqarl - Quarren ex-whaladon hunter, recently hired onto the crew.

Evus - Twi'lek male, former slave, then former associate of Ne'vets, who has found his way back to the Pretio but caught back up in the nonsense of the Pretio.  Former lover and boy-toy to the feared Rebel terrorist (and former Pretio crewmember), Latorna Savvn.   

"Sid" - A peculiar woman who has shown to be a better pilot than the previous one. Possible Imperial ties, but a far better shot.  Recent victim of a werewolf attack and (as of a few minutes)  below the knee amputee,  thanks to the ship's medical droid, Dr P3PP3R.  Currently going through surgery to attach a robotic leg.

"Ship Tarrie" - With the recent catastrophic failure on the Pretio, the subsequent reboot has an awoken an AI to the ship that seems to believe it is previously MIA/KIA pilot, Tarrie Prolek

R2-H8(r) - "H8R"  Astromech with a confusing history, and harsh attitude towards most of the crew. 

"Cousin Rancor" - Social media guru, famous for foolish holo-vids across the galaxy.  Lone survivor of last failed expedition to obtain a 'werewolf' and badly wounded by the Bioxin Azure attack.  Currently undergoing life-saving surgery.  

The More Things Change....
After extracting themselves from the werewolf-infested 
World of Belkain, the crew of the Pretio
Have journeyed to the planet Ubrikkia 
For necessary surgery from their pilot, Sid,
And the rescued social media influencer, Cousin Rancor.

A pleasant but boring day in the clinic waiting room
Has beeen cancelled with numerous alerts, secured portals,
And of staff warning of explosions and biological attacks
Behind the security doors

Exactly the spot where Sid and Cousin Rancor still reside....

The series of alerts had been announced once, the doors to the waiting room secured, and everything had seen fine until a staff member actually flew out of a set of double doors leading into the procedure area. He had a  star-shaped pattern was on his face, and significant acid burns were on his arms, but was still alive.

After calling for a nurse or medic and getting no response, the crew looked over their options together. 

All the doors in the waiting rooms appeared quite sturdy and secure. With the crew deciding against using the smuggled in grenades to blast an opening... yet, and hearing a commotion back in the surgical area, they worked their way down a hallway leading to the restrooms and vending machines.  

Going past the restrooms, Sqarl expressed his displeasure to Ne'vets.  

"I do NOT want to locked in here with those creatures if they're back again."

"It could be something else.  A complete coincidence."

"It was Cousin Rancor.  I had my eye on him day one..  We should have left him on Belkain."

"We could also drop him off at that lady and get paid for a werewolf, probably"

"We could also make a whole bunch of them using the head and spinal column... which isn't here, it's back on the ship, which feels a much safer place to be."

After checking a few more outside doors, they checked another set of internal doors outside the surgical area.  They were yelled at by a Rodian nurse, demanding they return back to their original location.

Sqarl snapped back, "Don't you understand," motioning at his weapon, "We are security. Nothing's working for us either."

The nurse suggested a doorway further down, but the banging and yelling by the crew attracted most of their fellow waiting room visitors.  

When even a few shoulders in the door caused no effect, Sqarl wandered down to the restrooms.  Not seeing any good spots to blast a whole in the wall, he continued down the main hallway.  To the right was an open-air courtyard between the sealed hallway and the main building.  At the end of the passage was a large kiosk manned by older ladies, and a bank of lifts.  Paying no heed to the ladies, Sqarl scanned the hospital directory to see there was a way to get back to Sid.   He quickly hit the coms.

"Replacement legs are Outpatient Surgery, right? I think I found an access point."

As the guys worked down there, Sqarl stared down the security lady, declaring he was security and his arriving group needed access to the basement.  The lady gleefully complied.  

The lift delivered them in a small waiting rom with a receptionist desk and a security door.  

Sqarl commandeered a staff member and forced them to swipe and override access into the surgical suites.  A brave patient did manage to sneak up and attempt to put a waste receptacle over the Quarren's head, quite unsuccessfully.     Sqarl could only turn to the patient, emit a "What are you doing?" and pushed the patient down the hallway towards the lift.  

The back area was just a series of curtains blocking off areas for exam rooms, recovery, etc. 

A pair of footsteps could be heard getting louder towards their location.  Sqarl managed to hide, but Ne'vets was flat-footed in the middle of the aisle.   An actual security guard arrived, blaster in hand, face covered with a blood splatter.

"You need to hide, preferably in another building."

"How do we get the...."

"Go, go go!" The security guard grabbed Steve by the neck and turned him around back towards the lift.  He nudged Ne'vets to move with some enthusiasm.

"What is it that's so dangerous?"

"I've only heard rumors of people coming in with items shoved in their bodies.  I never thought they used violent creatures!"


Sqarl had caught up and hit the security guard in the back of the head with the butt of his blaster.  They grabbed all the security passes and the hospital com, which, when actually turned on, was nothing but blaster fire and panicked staff running for their lives.  

A quick perusal of the digital map, and they realized Sid was one level up, and a nearby stairwell was the fastest path.  
The next level up looked similar to the basement, but there was a thick layer of fog all about, as something must have hit hoses somewhere.   A quick barrage of blaster fire could be heard.  

It took a number of minutes, going through a series of patients, but they found Sid laying on a gurney in the hallway.   Ne'vets tossed Sid over his shoulder and they worked their way back to the original waiting room.  Sid was becoming coherent, but could only see the French Blue with flecks of silver on the floor fly by...

"That's a nice floor...."

When they reached the outpatient waiting room, Sqarl barked at the remaining staff and patients hiding, "There's a dangerous animal on the loose on this floor, we all need to leave right now."

In an attempt to avoid the scary Quarren with a weapon, the staff escorted everyone else up a staircase hidden behind the office.  

Realizing that the Piscopo was parked by the original waiting room, they took the lift back up the worked up the long hallway.  Only Sid noticed through the windows, that the large vehicles pulling up to the clinic behind them.  Local troops of some sort were pouring out.  

They reached the original waiting room, and the scene was chaos.  Most of the furniture was broken, having been tossed against the doors in an attempt to break them.  Sqarl attempted all the security cards on the outside doors.  Nothing worked.  

He motioned for everyone to work their way down the hall, and once they all complied, rolled a frag grenade at the door.   The explosion damaged the floor, the ceiling, and any remaining furniture, but the windows and door stood firm.  Extra alarms went off, and smoke filled the room.  

Sqarl ran down the hallway with a troubled look.  Pointing at the outside window and the inside windows where the courtyard was, he gave a simple instruction, "We don't have much time left, so all these windows need to be broken.  

Heavy blaster fire could be heard further down by the clinic, so everyone went into action, grabbing anything to batter the windows, refreshers, sinks, waste receptacles, etc.  With the effort of a half-dozen, one of the vending machines was detached from the wall and run through the window in the courtyard.  Everyone piled into the garden, Sqarl immediately scaling the wall and onto a small roof.  Ne'vets hoisted Sid up to him, then took his hand to get up as well.  

Sqarl took one more look down and saw a man holding a small human girl up towards him.   Sqarl grabbed the child, just before a large explosion rocked the clinic area.  The three crew, plus the small child, booked across the roof back towards the waiting area.   For the first time, Ne'vets and Sqarl finally noticed the local militia on site.   The four worked their way to the garage, Sqarl started the Piscopo, and peeled out of the complex, all while Evus was in the rear, awkwardly comforting the young child and a confused Sid.

Ne'vets grabbed the vehicles' com and called the Pretio.

"Duk'k?  DUK'K!!!   Get the droids off the ship, pay off the port fees, and lower the lift, we're coming in hot!!!"

GM Notes:  Ne'vets did pull out a galactic map out of the glove box and put a big "X" on Ubrikkia.  In Pretio Campaign lore, Ubrikkia will be nuked from orbit.  Despite things progressing far faster than they should, local efforts to contain the situation will simply spiral out of control and Imperial authorities will consider the planet a total loss.  If only they had a weapon to completely vaporize the entire planet...

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