
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Twenty Questions About My Campaign - Gamma World - This is Not a Test

Starting in October will be the Actual Play posts for my Gamma World campaign.  We are months into the campaign at this point, but way back in April I decided to write-up a Post-Apocalyptic version of Twenty Questions About My Campaign, just after the first story arc was completed.  I'll keep things vague, yet more truthful to Session 1 that Session 15.  

What's the Deal?
Gamma World is a post-apocalyptic role-playing game.  Characters are in a future Earth, hundreds of years after Great Cataclysm.  Survivors include Mutated Humans, Mutated Animals, Mutated Plants, and "Pure-Strain" original humans.  Most communities range from stone-age tech (Level I) to Renaissance (flintlocks - Level III).  Tech from "the Ancients" can be uncovered, ranging from repeating rifles to ray guns to "living metal" and even worse.   The game starts at the town of Riverbend, a backwater tech level III community, dominated by farming. 

Where can we go to buy standard equipment?
Some basic equipment is always available at the "Regular Store" (or just "the Store).  Merchants from surrounding communities due travel the river and adjacent roads to trade in Riverbend, so given some time, all Level III tech will eventually make an appearance in town. 

Where can we go to get custom fitted armor for this mutant I just befriended?
Blade, the feline blacksmith, and his appreciate, the Pure-Strain Human Tullaru, are quite busy with day-to-day requests from the farmers and townsfolk, and are not too keen on outsiders taking up the work queue.  If convinced, they could produce quality lesser armor, but tougher armor, or armor with technology, would need to be made at a much larger town or city.

Who is the mightiest wizard in the land?
There are rumors of a blue-skinned mutant human, going by "The Mutant Master" who has amassed a large army somewhere in the vicinity of the town of Jainus.  He seems to control a large portion of the mutant-friendly Iron Society with unmatched devotion.

Who is the greatest warrior in the land?
The leader of the River Bend militia is a stoic man named Loaman Streight.  He is nothing compared to the the great warrior Ansa who drove the mole men from the basements of townsfolk.  He left his family and disappeared, rumored to be heading to the distant Wild Lands downriver.

Who is the richest person in the land?
Not many folks qualify as rich for having piles of domars.  Rather, knowledge is collected through a man named Justinian who operates Ascension Hall, the headquarters of a group known as the Restorationists.

Where can we go to get some healing?
Healing powers amongst mutants are rare and cherished.  Most hope members of the Healers Society, with their bags of magical tech, have made an appearance in town to expedite your recovery.  Otherwise, healing is a long and difficult road in this hostile climate.

Where can we go to get cures for the "The Glow"? The Glow is an invisible curse of the Ancients, usually encountered in their city ruins.  It can injure, incapacitate, kill, and even mutate someone who succumbs to it.  The Healers Society has limited abilities to abate the damage.  

Is there a place where my character race/character class can meet up with other like types to socialize or train?  River Bend is only large enough to hosts sites for the Redemptionists, and a part-time presence by the Healing Society.   Iron Society and Brotherhood of Thought have presences in other towns, such as Jainus.  There are few occasions where a member of the Knights of Genetic Purity or the Ranks of the Fit are encountered in the area, but it would be no surprise that the Seekers have the influence of of a silent majority over the gains made by the Redemptionists.

Where can I find an a sage or other expert NPC?
Justinian of the Restorationists is most knowledgeable about technologies and the nearby surrounding areas.

Where can I hire mercenaries?
Militia members are always interested in traveling with merchants, some even may venture further for glory and daring'do.  To acquire more than two at a time, vetting other candidates from other towns might be necessary.  

Is there any place on the map where weapons are illegal, technology is outlawed or any other notable hassles from Johnny Law?
While certain areas controlled by certain cryptic alliances may have restrictions on what races may enter certain towns.  

Which way to the nearest tavern?
The favorite watering hole in River Bend is the Leaping Drunken Keg.

What monsters are terrorizing the countryside sufficiently that if I kill them I will become famous?
Hissers control large swaths of territory across and further upriver, and beyond that, the dead seem to control the hills, and fantastic beasts the forests.  The greatest glory would be for capturing and domesticating the dreaded "Living Metal" that fights forever.

Are there any wars brewing I could go fight?
Skirmishes with the Hissers, or Fair-Town or the KIA Academy downriver seem possible, but the Mutant Master seems to be a looming problem.  Rumbling with mutant animals in PARR and human tech-knights even farther appear to be an unlikely problem, but one town fathers worry about. 

How about gladiatorial arenas complete with hard-won glory and fabulous cash prizes?
There are rumored fighting rings downriver in Fair-Town.

Are there any other sinister agendas beyond I could join and/or fight?
Beyond the numerous cryptic alliances and previously mentioned threats?  Flying creatures, both living and living metal travel the sky.  Who controls the dead within the distant Catacombs, and what is Blackvale City?  Locally, Redemptionist agents have left to investigate new claims of relics from the Ancients, but only a relative few have returned.  
What is there to eat around here?
River Bend's favorite dishes is steamed cucumbers and garlic rabbit and elderberry toffee.

Any legendary lost treasures I could be looking for?  
Rumors of the Glow abating in regions across the river may have opened up opportunities amongst the ruins of the Ancients.  

Where is the nearest dragon or other monster with Type H treasure?
The Wild Lands or the Forests of Nightmare Monster should prove great challenge and possibly great reward.


  1. 'Renaiisance level' would be matchlock I have read contradictory account of the relative ability of flintlocks versus matchlocks with some saying they are equal and others saying flintlocks have a higher rate of fire. I assume matchlocks being somewhat more vulnerable to wet weather so in a game with both weather I'd roll dice for weather with adversely affected by heavy rain but matchlocks more so.

    1. According to the authors of 1991 edition, Renaissance Era = Renaissance Fair WITH GUNS, which I will make fun of after the first adventure arc is completed. Throw in the potential for an anachronistic post-apocalyptic robot invasion, and I picture rural life closer to rural Colonial America (WITH GUNS).

      Of course, the current group by Episode 35 will be getting lasers, blasters, and death rays galore to combat a serious "living metal" issue.

      Mo' weapons, mo' problems.

  2. Although the Renaissance covers a long period and there might have been limited numbers of flintlocks towards the end.
