
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

(Gamma World) This is Not a Test #1 - Meeting Justinian

Our explorers of the strange future world of River Bend:

Sonny Helianthus: a sentient sunflower artifact examiner with Restorationist ties. 

Slitheran Wurmtail (aka Squiggles): a mutated earthworm scout.

Sneaky Pete: a mutated weasel scout.  Pete's telepathy and night vision take a backseat when he whips out his electrical powers.

Lathar Bracken: a pure-strain human from River Bend.  He's got the muscle and the face for most encounters.

It was another day in the River Bend.  The valley that contained the town was a nexus for the smaller communities, so as a rule, the town was bustling activity. 

Aspiration Hall, the headquarters for the Restorationists in River Bend was usually as good for information as any inn or tavern.  Sure, there was no booze served, and it would quite wet on a rainy day (only members/contracted folk were allowed inside), but they were the safest and most honorable to deal with.

Lathar Bracken, broadsword strapped across his back, rode his steed into the small crowd that had gathered looking for work and trading ideas.


He did not beat around the bush, "Hail thee to all.  Any of you gentle persons and creatures interested in searching for and seeking out artifacts from the ancients?"

A mutated weasel, wearing a hat and sunglasses, turned towards the perfect man.  He took a long pull of the pipe he was smoking and exhaled, "That's why we're all here, bub..."

"Sneaky Pete"
Lathar dropped down off his mount, and surmised some relationships with a large earthworm and a giant talking sunflower.  "While I am an unblemished human, and some of my people are cowardly and ignorant, I would love to share our abilities for the betterment of River Bend."

The earthworm, its body encased in some sort of carapace to protect it, rolled its eyes. "Great, that's why we're here, the Restorationists do have a bulletin board."


The weasel stared down his friend, "Squiggles, that's enough," and took Thundar by arm, "Let's not talk too loudly of easy pickings.  Over here, our friend is checking things out as we speak."

The furthest away of the trio was the sunflower, glaring at postings on an outdoor bulletin, despite not having any noticeable eyes.

"Despite some travel warning going south, there is some guy named Justinian looking for 'brave souls' for an undisclosed mission.  Seems perfectly legit to me."

"Justinian?"  Pete questioned, "We in any trouble with a Justinian?"

Squiggles was pretty flippant, "Nope, let's do it?" 

Pete turned to Lathar, "That's Sonny.  He's the smart one here."

Lathar nodded, "Great!  Flower person, do you wish to join us on this endeavor?"

"Call me Sonny, and yes, I was part of this de facto group before you came along."

"You are the De Factos?  A strange name for a group of traveling companions.  I too would like to be a De Facto adventurer to find artifacts with you."

The sunflower could only admit a sigh and waved forward.  "We'll need to come back for the afternoon."  The plant pulled himself out of the ground and they headed towards the Clean Pants Pub to make further acquaintances.

At the tavern, Squiggles pressed the pure human for info, or "special herbs" and a quick side trek to a local smoking lounge to appease the worm.

When it was time, the returned to Aspiration Hall, and once they announced their business, were led inside to a meeting room in the back of the building.  The halls and shelves of the complex were crammed with numerous artifacts of unimaginable means.  Sonny, in particular, was in heaven. 

After a moment or two, a middle-age human came into the room.  He stared at some device on the wall, and back to the group.  "Really, you guys?"

Justinian of the Restorationists
Squiggles felt offended, "What's wrong with 'you guys?'"

The human corrected himself, "Nothing, I just didn't expect to see Lathar again.  It's been awhile..."

"You mean Pretty Boy here?  Handsome Bor?  Seems okay enough for us."
The human chuckled at Squiggles nicknames for Lathar, "Handsome Bor?  Is that what your mother is calling you now.  By the way, next time you see her, tell her Justinian says hi."

He continued, "Lathar has been searching for searching for artifacts for us for years. I remember when he was knee-high, digging up stuff along the riverbank.  I'd give him a few domars for his efforts.  Too bad we're not looking for items this time.  One of our agents has gone missing and we need folks to either find him or what happened to him."

Lathar was non-plussed by the revelations Justinian gave the other party members "We're still in..."

Justinian explained a month prior, the agent, a winged serpent named Daradell had gone out with a team of squirrels to scout out a recently discovered ancients site "LEVEL A INC" prior to a full team investigating.  Whether they recovered the agent in person, a body, or essential information.  Each team member would get 200 domars apiece, although Lathar's smooth talking and relationship with Lathar netted them each 100 upfront, and the agent actually alive things went up to 500.  No reward was offered for the squirrels.

The group accepted and Justinian provided them a partial map to a northern tributary of the big river that was outside of River Bend's protection.  

Realizing there were no additional supplies they needed, the group decided to head out for to gain a few 

By the third day, they were out of River Bend territory and were forced to ford the river to go up the smaller northern tributary on the map.  

A few hours up the river, the machetes were needed to clear paths.  It seemed like a good area for some ancient's artifacts, but the overgrowth on the riverbanks obscured everything.  In the middle of slashes and cuts, a shrill sound of a flute could be heard off in the distance.  

Sonny pulled out a whistle and blew it as close to to the notes as possible.

Lather was amazed, "How is the plant blowing a whistle?"

A few minutes later, a silvery but opaque orb, about the size of two men's fist, was floating 10 feet in the air above the riverbank.  The orb changed colors indiscriminately, random metallics, pastels, and continued to moved towards the group.

"Halt! Stop!" was all Sneaky Pete could muster.  

Lathar was concerned, "Do we shoot it, do we shoot it."

Squiggles gave some sort of order, "Just hold... for now"  

Lathar loosed an arrow in panic. It struck some sort of invisible barrier a few inches outside and snapped in half.  The orb stopped moving, turned a dark shade of red for a few moments, then reverting back to its random cycle.  It moved off the riverbank and follow the trail the party had blazed until disappearing from view.

Next: #2 - The Dome of Fear

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