
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, October 1, 2023

My Gaming Plans for 2023-24

The last twelve months have been a most unusual year.  Despite only giving myself six goals for last year, I only made progress on one of them, yet I got a weird assortment of items completed.  

1- Keeping the Child Decompression Chamber Fun - It was tough enough finding time with the kids when I lived with them, but now that I get them when they're crazy schedules open up, it's been  complete shutdown naps for either one or both of them, and as the parent who believed they were doing to much, good rest trumps good, relaxing fun. Between food, naps, and any other activities we've been talking about for weeks, adding games to the mix have been difficult.  

2 - I'm at my limit - Unless I find a Sugar Momma to support my hobby, I'm really nearing capacity at my place.  I have some shelf space for books, but wargaming-wise it's (1) Better Organization (2) More bulk painting projects or ultimately (3) A table at Wally's Basement at Historicon.

3 - Pulp Season 4 - I'm still not sure about the entire fourth season, but the made-for-TV-movie that launches has made significant progress, and I'm more much more confident of something occurring this year than the last two. 

4 - Gnomish Space Marine - The Adventure Further Continues.  Building units, playing in adventures.  Finding opponents.  

5 -  Beyond Gamma World - Our Gamma World game has been doing great, although the stress marks are showing, especially when doing post-apocalyptic tech dungeon crawls in our normal two-hour sessions.  I need to prepare alternatives.  Maybe a return to Star Wars?  Perhaps a full-immersion into Canadian Cthulhu?  Or maybe let someone else handle the reins for a few months...

6- The End of Gulluvia - My BECMI D&D game, Adventures in Gulluvia needs some characters to level-up once, and I can start my end game.  About 75% of this plan will suffer the same issues Gamma World has right now, but I think I can wrap up the storyline with a nice bow in twenty sessions.

7- Kick a little lower with Kickstarters - After nearly 30 campaigns at some stage of completion last year, I think it's safe to say I need to cut back.   About a third were wargaming related, and maybe five more were over $15 RPG pledges.  The rest were 'zine-level pledges, the equivalent of FLGS cheap impulse buys that I can't really regret.  This year, I'd like to keep physical RPG-related rewards down to ten or less, and miniatures under five.  With the proliferation of STL files overwhelming traditional figs on Kickstarter, I don't see that being a problem.  

8 - Complete the Pauper Saga? -  Pauper is the commons-only format for Magic the Gathering.  Every week I make it to play in some store's tournament, I'm slowly evolving my cards from a near-original Magic (Unlimited) commons deck, through the various expansions.  Avoiding the overpriced commons in green, I'd like to get through all the Magic sets in the last 30 years, and if I'm still having fun, maybe increase my investment.    But after writing this list, a new element has come, worthy of a blog post.

9 - HMGS Next Gen - Part of the wild discussion with the cancellation of Cold Wars has been the return of accusations of regionalism in regards to promotion of hobby.  Considering everyone who has volunteered has been New York and Connecticut, I think it's time I assemble some product to run games at local libraries.  

10 - Reaper "One Piece at a Time" - My FLGS, Sword in the Stone Games, purchased a large swath of the Reaper Bones line when they moved into their new location in the Wyoming Valley Mall.  They're properly displayed, in numerical order by stock number, which is something I haven't seen so well since I stocked the first 200 metal Reaper Dark Legends figures at Griffon Games, circa 1999.   The lack of fantasy play is keeping me from buying anything off the wall, but another part of me wants to start with the first figure numerically, and paint them up, and move up the line.  It's promotion, it's motivation to keep me at my painting table, and it would be nice to dedicate some of my gaming budget to an actual gaming budget.  It also might conflict with my lessening of the lead pile, since I'm not using fantasy minis for much.  

11 - "Gnome and Away"  I developed  a concept for a Gnome Wars game at Historicon, with wild dreams of completing it for Fall-In!  I think I'm still putting it on my radar for next year's Historicon. I'll make Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman would be proud. 

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