
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, October 27, 2023

(Painting) Lair of the Boloto Rusalki

Cleaning up the office/gaming room, I rescued some half-painted figures from a tub of wargaming miscellany and finished them up with little issue.

The Deep Ones are part of the Deep Ones Mutant Fishman pack by RAFM of which I already painted up the third figure back in September.  After a casual glance, I believe the altar/sarcophagus and statuette are from a different RAFM set, but I don't have the other figures in the set.  

These creatures are members of the the Boloto clan, a perverse and decrepit family which rules the town of Ust'ye Kem in Northern Russia without resistance.  The Imperials refused to tread near the town, by foot or by sea, and even in darkest of times, the Soviets refused to even acknowledge this town existed.  

All the Soviets, save one Alexander Mikoyan.  He disobeyed direct order from the SV-8, infiltrated the town as a poor peddler, befriended Adrik the Rusalki, and attacked the (barely) underground Temple of Dagon.  The combination of mythos magicks and high explosives tore a hole in the ceiling, letting the River Kem flood the chambers.  It's unknown if the Boloto Rusalki have recovered from the attacks, but their efforts were hampered with Mikoyan absconding with their idols and a number of other trinkets.  Rumor has it that only some of the items made it back to his masters in the SV-8.

And in the category of "Refurbished" I simply painted up the base and threw some sand on a pack of Cobblestone Castings Armed Archaeologists I picked up at Wally's basement during Historicon. The paint scheme is a little too neutral for me, but they've got paint on and I can used them as a rival league for Pulp season 4, whenever that happens. 

Next in the queue:  The proper painting bench was finally unearthed from craft supplies, strewn paint bottles, and complete disorganization.  Rumors that the final Pulp project is on the table may be true, but I also have some sci-fi building kit bashing going on, and my old line-up of refurbishment projects, fantasy minis, and maybe something new to talk about in the near future.

Project 350: Two steps backwards to finally go forwards, perhaps  484 (320/164) up  479 (318/161).  The cool posts keep trickling in, and I'm doing my best to save all the campaign links in one post.  Gamma World is still up-to-date, with a draft post ready for Monday, with some extraneous dialogue that didn't fit last session's post written up.

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