
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, October 20, 2023

(Painting) Zombie Pirates from Dollar General

 In a world where I moan and complain about the cost of plastic minis, I present to you Zombie Pirates from Dollar General.

These bad boys were hiding in the Halloween section and at eight for a buck, I could not resist.  These figures are between 45 and 54mm and were a little top-heavy, so I added pennies for weight. 

By count I painted up a pack and a half, and have the same in reserve.  

What nefarious purpose am I using these oversized undead scourge of the seas?  A Halloween game is forthcoming. 

Next in the queue:  There's this small and odd phenomena occurring on my painting bench:  space.  Packing the pirates up has freed up more space for the Pulp project, but there are some Cthulhu figs and the next minis for the Reaper Bones "One Piece at a Time" project that are working out nicely.

Project 350: Despite some cool posts from other gaming blogs, I'm holding relatively steady at 479 (318/161) from 477 (319/158).   All Gamma World Actual Plays up typed up, stretching out all the way into July of next year!

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