
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, November 4, 2023

A Talislanta: The Savage Lands Deal and D'oh!

 I had hemmed and hawed about going all-in for the Talislanta: The Savage Land Kickstarter, but in the end I simply pledged five bucks for the Talislanta OMNI system edition.    It was a great value, I enjoyed reading through it, but it's been hidden on my hard drive for quite some time.    

Fast forward to last month, and I was shocked to find an alleged hardcover copy of the book on eBay, for the ridiculous price of $19.99.    I set it to watch and continued on my way, only to get an offer of three dollars off and free shipping. With the price of 21st century Tal books being insane normally, I jumped on the opportunity, and it quickly arrived at my house. 

My good news:  It wasn't a bound, watermarked version someone printed off.  It was the real hardcover.  But after much perusing, I realized my due diligence was lacking, aI had purchased a copy of the Talislanta: The Savage Land for 5e!

I did not notice the little "5e" hiding in the fog and shadows. 
Needless to say, I gave positive feedback, because it was listed in the description and the correct picture were posted.  I may even mine it for ideas if I go ahead and do a "best of " convention games for Mepacon in the spring.  "The Crystle Dungeon" needs some rewrites from over 30 years ago. 

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