
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, November 17, 2023

(Painting) More Base Terrain for Carf

A week of cleaning off the painting bench, yet again.  Almost everything I purchased at Fall-In! has been trimmed, based, and primed, as well as a few other flea market finds from way back at Cold Wars.  While some may consider these items to be junk to be thrown out, I simply see more scenery for the Gnomish Space Marines, Death Planet Iota, and the city of Carf.

Next Up:  With a lot less clutter, the Zulus death stare have line of sight whenever I'm in the office.  I've based up cultists, more figures for my Delta Green SV-8 concept, and an new Gnome Wars unit.  

Project 350: No excitement here, literally maintaining at 477 (316/161) from last week.  

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