
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Zork Remembered

Maybe the grumpy old man in me is evolving into some sensitive mess, but some random items just hit you in the feels.  

So when the Vintage RPG Podcast   starts listing Zork books on Instagram,  I got warm and fuzzy feelings about school book fairs.

Zork was a series of text-based adventure games for the PC.  We didn't have a computer in our house until the 2000's so I was at the mercy of friends for forays in the the Underground Empire.

Usually I got eaten by a gue, but I remember (most of) this series of "What-To-Do-Know" books (aka other publisher's "Choose your own adventure" series.
I remember owning/borrowing 1 and 3.  I remember seeing 2 and have no recollection of 4 or anything related beyond that.  

This is '84-85, so a time of the D&D cartoon, and actions figures, of Beastmaster and Conan the Destoryer running non-stop on HBO, but I still hadn't picked up the D&D.  It is a lasting impact on me as an RPG fan, and perhaps my group's TPKs are less Grue-some than others. 

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