
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, December 23, 2023

(GURPS) Eric Jacobson, Gamified - Year Thirteen

It's been another crazy year, where even the fondest of Christmas traditions seem to be bothersome to me.  One tradition that almost passed me by entirely is my odd attempt at gamifying my on-again off-again dream journal, and translate them into character points for a GURPS (3rd Edition) version of myself.  I've been doing things this way for over 30 years, and the dream version of myself isn't some glorified super-hero...

It's Tom Arnold character from True Lies (Albert Gibson).

ST: 10 DX: 11  IQ: 13  HT: 12

Advantages:  Charisma +2 (I'm a heckuva guy), Common Sense, Luck, Voice, Light Hangover (50)

Disadvantages:  Bloodlust, Near-Sightedness, Gluttony, Stubborness, Sense of Duty (Friends) (-35), Dependents (Family) Enemy: LDS Cabal

Skills:  Skills in bold received points, but not increase.  Bold with a (+) indicates an increase in skill.  New skills to the list for this year are in bold with (New).  Not exactly rocket sciences

Acrobatics   9 
Accounting 11 
Acting 13 
Administration 20    
Animal Handling 11 
Anthropology 11 
Archaeology 10 
Area Knowledge: Baltimore 11
Area Knowledge: Iceland 13 
Area Knowledge: Lehigh Valley 14 
Area Knowledge: New York City 13
Area Knowledge: South Africa 13
Area Knowledge: Michigan Upper Peninsula 11
Bard 20 (let me...entertain you!)
Bicycling 11
Boating 9
Boxing 10
Brawling 13
Camouflage 14
Carousing 12
Climbing 10
Club 11
Computer Ops 14 
Conspiracy Theory 11
Cryptography 10
Dancing 10
Demolitions 12
Diplomacy 13
Drive Tractor Trailer 11
Drive: motorcycle 9
Driving: Auto 15 +
Driving: Diesel Locomotive 11
Engineering 12
Economics 12
Electronics   11  
Electronics Operation  11 
English 14    
Fast Talk 13
First Aid 13
Forensics 12
Forgery 10
French 12
Geology 10
Guns: Pistol 15 
Guns: Rifle 14
Guns: SMG 13
Hiking 11
History 17
Hobby gaming 14
Hobby: Models 12
Intell Analysis 11
Interrogation 11 
Judo 9
Law 12
Leadership 13 +
Literature 10 (New)
Mathematics 10
Mechanic   11
Merchant 11
Meteorology 11
Naturalist 10
Navigate 10
Occultism 14
Performance 13
Physician  10   
Pilot: Jetpack   9 
politics 14
Psychology 11 +
Punning 11
Running 13
Savoir Faire 17
Saxophone 12
Scrounging 13
Sex Appeal 15
Shadowing  11 (NEW)
Sport: Basketball 10
Sport: Football 9
Sport: Golf 11
Sport: Ice Skating 8
Sport: Volleyball 9
Stealth 12 
Strategy 11 
Streetwise 11
Survival: Mountains 12
Survival: NBC 13
Swimming 10
Tactics 13
Taxidermy 11 (New)
Theology 11  
Wrestling 11 

315.5 points

It's been a rough year for real-life me, so the dreams have been few and far between, and full of subterfuge, intrigue, and a lot of car issues.  Don't worry, I'll continue to check the brake lines this winter.  

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