
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

2024 #CharacterCreationChallenge Failure, Review, and Index

As the regular readers now, I had announced that I would again be participating in the annual #CharacterCreation Challenge, hosted by TardisCaptain.  I was able to make 31 characters in 31 days last year, with a lot of planning, and some focus.  

This year there was some broadly outlined planning, and considerable less motivation.  The last scheduled character was January 11th, and I tacked on two BECMI D&D characters, but I'm officially throwing in the towel today.  I just don't have the motivation to the complete the challenge,   I'm disappointed, because in planning out the month, I had set up the middle of January was a fun project where I was going to stat out the Drednoks from GI Joe, as scurvy space pirates for the PEW PEW system.   I started the leg work for an entire week of this, but then things petered out.  

There are five posts in rough draft format that I have left, and a five others in mere concept form.  I might post them unrelated to the challenge, or I might even start up the 2025 version. Regardless, here is the list of what I completed for the 2024 challenge: 

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