
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, January 13, 2024

(BECMI D&D) Gygar the Mountain Mage #CharacterCreationChallenge

Day 13 and despite having a to-do list of characters, the motivation for this is fleeting.   Going back to my mothballed Gulluvia campaign for short-term inspiration.

Gygar the Mountain Mage - 8th Level Magic-User
Strength        12
Intelligence   18
Wisdom         17
Dexterity       16
Constitution  13
Charisma        8

Hit Points:   35
Armor Class: 4   (Ring of Protection +3 plus Dex)
Weapon Prof: Dagger (Mastery)  ,
Skills:  Alchemy (18), Detect Deception (17), Engineering (18), Law and Justice: Gulluvia (17), Magical Engineering (19), Planar Geography (18), Science (Geology), 
Weapon:  Dagger  P: 3d4,  S: 2d4+2, -2AC/2, Double Damage (18-20)

Magic Items:
Potions of Freedom, Treasure Finding, and Antidote
Scroll: Protection from Lycanthropes
Boots of Speed
Ring of Protection +3

<Mace +4, Sword+4>

Spells:  3 - 3 - 2 - 2

1st: Analyze, Charm Person, Detect Magic, Floating Disk, Light, Read Magic   
2nd: Detect Invisible, Entangle, Levitate, Locate Object, Mirror Image, Web  
3rd: Fly, Hold Person, Invisibility 10' Radius, Protection from Evil 10' Radius
4th Charm Monsters, Clothform, Growth to Plants, Wall of Fire.

In the years well before the current rule of Lady D'hmis and the Barony of Gulluvia, Gygar was a magic-user of great repute.  He had befriended the legendary Silver Princess and was given the eastern minelands to be under his protection.  The dwarves were self-sufficient and loyal to the crown, so Gygar spent most of his time researching more more, and the keeping a slow incursion/migration of overland kobolds.  The fate of Gygar is not in current texts of Gulluvia, or even the current nearby human village of Mere, but some of the lesser rumors of the eventual abandonment of the mines by the dwarves denotes kobold incursions, so it is possible that the tiny dog-men finally got the better of him. 

All that's is left of the man, is his name still attached to his ruined castle, a few miles outside of Mere. 

Oh Gygar, whose name is on the castle out of the DM Guide from the Mentzer Red Box!  I've run it a few times, most recently for my Adventures in Gulluvia campaign, but today is the first time I've statted him out.

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