
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, January 7, 2024

(KAPOW!) Canadian Mint - Mislabeled Super Hero - #CharacterCreationChallenge

Sometimes, you have to be very particular with your AI prompts for both text and image.  

As I was pondering some fresh characters if I ever run my Canadian Cthulhu game, I used ChatGPT to create some basic concepts and plugged the descriptions into Nightcafe for an image for our online game.  Most are pretty run of the mill late-80s/early 90s college kids, but then one generated this:  

Rebecca Turner from Day 2 evolved from this picture, and it perplexed me why this one came out like some enchantress/superhero.  Then I realized that ChatGPT generated a character with a vibrant energy, and emerald eyes... originally named Elsa Anderson.... and Nightcafe took that and ran with it!  I changed the name during the evolution and never looked back. 

So what to do with this one?  I'm not a big superhero gamer, so I found KAPOW! through DrivethruRPG.

Rebecca Turner - Canadian Mint - Superhero 
Scope:  City   
Drive: Protect your friends
Battlecry:  "Prepare to be Eh-mazed!"
Bumps: 3 

Toughness: 2              Will: 2                Stamina:    2                  Actions:  2

Power: Flight    Level 10 (d10,d10)
Canadian Mint can use her energy projection to propel herself in the air, including hovering.  If she needs to use her Energy Projection in an manner while she's flying, reduce the Level to 6 (d6, d6).  

Power: Energy Projection   Level 8 (d8,d8)
Canadian Mint can generate impressive Energy blasts from her hands.  These blasts do create a lesser area effect (splash damage) when they make contact with the target.

Power: Energy Shield Level 6 (d6,d6)
Canadian Mint can generate an Energy Shield to protect her from one facing.  

All energy powers manifest in a translucent state that lingers after the effect has concluded, it's been known to manifest "fairy godmother imagery" and the surroundings smell of wintergreen and spearmint.


Rebecca Turner just wanted to be a normal high school student in early 1990's Canada, hang out with friends, have an awesome summer before heading off to university, but she had to manifest superpowers the last two months of school.  

The class trips was a jaunt down to the States, and wouldn't you know it, the whole class got stuck in the middle of some super-hero struggle.   Rebecca was forced to use her powers to protect her classmates, and KO some of the villain's underlings as a result.    While this would be a viral sensation nowadays, it was a slow culminated on pictures, and tabloids articles cobbling together a new Canadian superhero making her first appearance ever on American soil.   Her wispy power manifestations, peculiar smells those powers make, and some some unoriginality from the editors of the Weekly World News, the Sun, and National Enquirer gave her the name Canadian Mint.  Somehow this has stuck.  

Being labelled something by the press is something, but being called Canadian Mints when the candy is actually called Canada Mints, irks her beyond belief. 

Now, she is trying to be a normal student at university, and for after the initial hoopla, she's settled down with a group of friends and is enjoying school as a normal girl.  

Except, strange things are afoot around campus.    No costumed villains plotting the destruction of the town square with a giant mechanical watermelon blimp, but some far sinister lurking in the far corners of town....

And one day, she'll find her true super-hero name.

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