
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

(Star Wars d6) Flok Flowgif - Gungan Scout - #CharacterCreationChallenge

Day 8 of the #CharacterCreationChallenge, and my theme week doesn't seem to to be going smoothly, so I'll focus on statting out some of the miniatures I've painted.  

One random Gungan for (West End) Star Wars d6, coming right up: 

Flok Flowgif -  Gungan Scout
After the ascension of the Empire, all the goodwill the Gungans had built up over the Clone Wars seemed to instantly vanish.  Many still considered them clueless, and naive creatures, while a new stereotype emerged as them being completely untrustworthy.  As Naboo became more and more of an Imperial satellite state, the Gungan cities were attacked, and many Gungans enslaved for brute physical labor forces.  Many fled to small already-established segregated neighborhoods of Gungans, others fled even further underground in the cities.  

Flok was a well-respected scout who fled into the seedier sub-levels of the capital city.   He's actively used his skills against the Empire, as well as the dominant Black Sun operations.    Recent brazen attacks on the Black Sun by a rogue group of rebels have weakened their hold in the city, as well as a group of Transdosians who pay fealty to the Black Sun and control interests in the sub-levels.   Business for scouting and information has been quite good, although rumors of a wild-haired human who is filling the power vacuum with his own independent gang has not been certified.

    Dodge: 4D
    Melee Combat 4D
    Melee Parry 4D
    Thrown Weapons: 4D
KNOW:  2D+1
PER:  4D
    Hide: 4D
    Hide: Camouflage (sp) 5D
    Search: 4D
    Search: Tracking (sp) 5D
    Sneak: 4D
    Sneak: Urban (sp) 5D
    Climbing/Jumping: 4D
    Demolitions: 3D

Gungans are resistant to blunt trauma, resisting non-piercing physical damage with a bonus 2D. This offers no protection against projectile weapons, energy weapons or stabbing/slashing weapons such as knives or swords. However it does provide them with impressive resistance to concussion waves such as blast waves from grenades.

Throwing Cesta: : STR+1D+1, 2D+1 (if thrown)

Electropole:  Str+1D Physical / 5D Energy Damage (stun) - Due to the age and neglect of the weapons any roll of a one on the Force Die for either melee or stun attack results in the weapon shorting out, the stun attack being unusable for the remainder of that particular combat or encounter.  

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