
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

(Kickstarter) Beneath the Mountains of Madness 28mm Pulp Skirmish for 7TV

 In a month that had a deluge of ZineQuest campaigns and more mediocre STL files that you could shake a stick at, it's nice to see the month end on some nice physical miniatures.

Crooked Dice Game Design has launched a Kickstarter for Beneath the Mountains of Madness, a 28mm pulp skirmish supplement for 7TV.

The campaign is to fund 30 28mm miniatures, resin terrain and MDF terrain. 

From the Kickstarter:
Players can play a cast of heroic Occult and Science Reserve agents and scientists or the demented Nazi servants of Hitler himself and their mutated allies. See terrifying aliens wake from their millennial slumber! Gasp in awe at the vile machinations of the Nazis! Tremble in fear at the unhuman battles that raged on the primordial Earth! Will our heroes be victorious or will the Nazi jackboot stamp forever down on the free world!

And any campaign that offers a U-Boat can't be all that bad...

... and as is becoming the norm, digital files are available.

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