
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, March 14, 2024

The Mike Lung Gallery #88 - The Adventures of Bernard and Cindy Part One

We continue to post some old All Things Zombie (ATZ) scenarios friend of the blog and Award-Winning GM Mike Lung played almost a decade ago... with LEGOs.  There's rumors that he was bitten by a LEGO zombie and started up the games again...

The Adventures of Bernard and Cindy

Bernard and his kid sister Cindy were alone in the woods.  Something terrible had happened back at their camp. When they returned from a hike.  The camp site was covered in blood and gore, and their parents were gone.  Screams of terror could be heard from nearby campers and dark shapes shambled in the woods.  Realizing their camper wasn’t safe, Bernard grabbed his father’s pistol and Cindy picked up her baseball bat before dashing into the woods to find safety and help. 

After a long terrifying day in the woods, Sally complained that she was too hungry and tired to go further.  Just then they stumbled into a clearing and saw a parked utility truck with its flashers on.  Nearby was another camper.  “Sally, maybe there is someone here who can help us!”   But then they saw the bodies strewn about the grounds.  A distant moan and then another alerted them to the danger.

More moans erupted behind them.  They were surrounded!

They had no choice but to fight.  Shaking with fear, Bernard raised his father’s gun.  “Blam! Blam!,” he shot the ghoul that had once been Ollie. It fell to the ground but was still moving. 

“Blam!” Not taking any chance, Bernard fired another round into its head.

Desperately, they raced to the utility truck and searched it for something that could help.  Stan picked up a hatched to help defend himself.

“Bernard!  We need to get out of here!”  Sally screamed interrupting Bernards search as more zombies approached.

They retreated to the edge of the woods where Bernard took careful aim at the oncoming horde.  “Blam! Blam!”  Two zombies dropped.

End of Part I

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