
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, March 21, 2024

The Mike Lung Gallery #89 - The Adventures of Bernard and Cindy, Part Two

 Part Two of Mike Lung's "All Things Zombie" game with poor Bernard and Cindy.

The Adventures of Bernard and Cindy, Continued!

Emboldened by his success, in a moment of craziness Bernard rushed from cover to meet the remaining zombies! 

With his pistol and axe, he cut down two more of the undead.

However, Sally who was trailing behind was surprised by a zombie woman hiding behind the truck.  Instinctively, she swung her bat just like at a ball game.   With a gruesome “Crack”, the zombie collapsed at her feet.

Stan and Sally were forever united once again!   

Bernard shouted at Sally, “Come on!  We need to go!”  But she was too stunned to move.  

Two more zombies shambled out behind the truck and tried to grab her.  

“Crack! Crack!”  Both zombies dropped to the ground with their heads shattered as Sally wildly swung the bat!

With that, the campground went quiet.  Bernard and Cindy approached the camper in hopes of finding food and possibly shelter. 

One last zombie lurched out of the camper, but Bernard was ready and quickly put it down.  The young heroes were rewarded with some food and a bit of rest. 

Campground carnage!

The End

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